



TNO-1992-greenbook并不是一个具体的天体或者研究项目,它更像是一个代号或者术语,可能与天文学中的荷兰国家奥伦治天文台(Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research and Air Navigation, TNO)有关。TNO是一个缩写,经常用于指代特洛伊小行星,这些小行星位于海王星轨道附近,与海王星的公转方向相同。"Greenbook"可能指的是TNO的某项研究成果、报告或者手册,通常这类文件会详细描述这些天体的观测、研究方法和发现。



Determination of the Extend of the Damage with the Help of functions

Thevalueoftheprobitfunction oneof theclasses ofdamagebelonging to this probitfunction ata certain load.)

n example (seeFigure3.1)

classes of injury.Herebythefraction of victins in a certain class of damage is also included in all subsequent (=more serious)classes.

建设工程监理合同示范文本classes of injury.Herebythefraction of victins in a certain class of damage is also included in all subsequent (=moreserious)classes.

Forexample:atoxicgas cloud canproducedeath,arecoverableinjuryorimtafion.A Victim of tne "death" class is,at the sametime, included in the"recoverable"and"irritation"classes,and a victim o the“recoverable"classis,inthe sametime,included inthe“irritation"class. 2.Several damage mechanisms,due tothe sameevent,produce,atthe sametime,victims in thesame class of iniury (for example,an explosion can kill due to either a direct hit or blast overpressure).

whilethefirstevent may,actually,produce such a majordamagethat theconsequentevents do ot really add anythingmoreto it.This means thatthisfirstevent infact,reduces the sizeofthe affected population For example: a person killed by a toxic gas cannot be further"damaged"by an explosion whichfollows,

whilethefirstevent may,actually,produce such a majordamagethat theconsequentevents do ot reallyaddanythingmoreto it.Thismeansthatthisfirsteventinfact,reducesthesizeoftheaffected population For example:a personkilled by a toxic gas cannotbe further*damaged"byan explosion whichfollows.


Fig.3.2AVerndiagran oftwosimultaneousdamagemechanisms;thefourresultingclassesofinju areshowninthefigure.

The influence of clothing on the extend of person


The Ignition of Clothing

D, = t, *gi

2 Hiado and Murphy [14] had investigated materials applicable to fumiture coverage, while Wulff had investigated samples ofmaterials usedforclothing

Table4.1 (taken from[l01)Properties of Typical Everyday clothing materials.

Table4.l (taken from [10]) Properties ofTypical Everyday clothing materials.

the protectiveeffect of clothing,will receive such burns that they will die as a consequenceof them

大型房地产、建筑公司合同管理办法(2015版)The protectiveeffect of clothing is onlyvalid as long as theclothing has not n temperature.On the basis of the effective exposure duration and of the corresponding radiation level, it is possible to determine, using Figure 4.1, whether the clothing will ignite (this depending on the type ofclothing.inaccordancewithTable4.1),


ions for the exposure duration of people subjected

If a calamity occurs,the speed at which people will searchforescape possibilities is stronglydepende on theknowledge the affected persons may have with regard to the seriousness ofthe situation.This means,forinstance,that workers inarefinery,will,probably,behavemuch more effectively in their search for protection than children playing outside, in case a fire suddenly develops in their surrounding.It is quite true, for everyone, that a human being naturally tries to protect himself from physical dangers.In thecase of exposure of a sensitive group (for instance, scholars, sick people, handicapped or oldpeople)theexposureduration,generally,will belonger,since escape possibilities areof limitednature.

protection against radiation that victims,among them,are not likely.However,there could bevictims inside houses if in thehouses, themselves, secondary types of fires can develop.

neagedlsuniuuono duration.The readiness and possibilitytoknowhow to handle the situation,as well as theuncontrolled typeofbehaviourduetopanic,are also,in all probability,dependent on theageofthepeople exposed. The distribution of the population in the Netherlands is given in Figure 5.1

HG/T 20222-2017标准下载ltisveryuseful,inariskanalysis,todifferentatebetweengroupsofpopulationExamplesofsut

Investigationswithregardtothesensitivegroupsofpopulationmustbebasedonconsiderations regarding the possibilities,of thepeople in question, to seek and find protection.

Toamajorextendprotectionagainstexcessiveexposuretoheatradiationisofferedbypresenceinside houses or buildings.Thismeans that, inthefirstplace,groups which canbe most sensitiveto heat radiationmustbefoundinareaswheremanypeople (may)bepresentandwhereprotection possibilities areverylimited (forexample, vacationers),
