




1. 工程目标:主要目标是按照设计图纸和相关规范,安全、高效、质量可靠地完成钢结构的施工,确保乙烯裂解装置的稳定性和运行效率。

2. 施工准备:首先进行施工图纸的详细解读,明确钢结构的类型、规格、数量和安装位置。同时,需要准备好相关的施工设备,如吊装设备、焊接设备等,并对施工人员进行技术培训和安全教育。

3. 施工流程:主要包括钢结构的制作、运输、吊装和安装。钢结构在工厂预制,切割、焊接、涂装等工艺完成后,再进行运输到施工现场。在现场,通过吊车进行吊装,然后按照设计要求进行精确对位和固定。

4. 质量控制:在整个施工过程中,会对钢结构的尺寸、形状、焊接质量、防腐处理等进行严格的检查,确保符合设计和规范要求。同时,也会进行必要的结构强度和稳定性测试。

5. 安全措施:鉴于乙烯裂解装置的特殊性,施工过程中需严格遵守安全规程,防止火灾、爆炸等危险,确保施工人员的生命安全。

6. 验收与调试:施工完成后,需要进行自检和第三方专业验收,通过后才能进行乙烯裂解装置的设备安装,确保整个系统的顺利运行。




Check whether parts are qualified or not and get rid of rust and oil spots etc. within the range of 30~50mm along each side of welding seam before assembling.

b 连接板、加强筋板与H型钢立柱组焊时应符合下列要求:

CNAS-GI006:2021 检验机构认可范围表述指南.pdfThe following requirements should be met when assembling and welding gusset plate, stiffener and steel beam:


Check poisoning dimensions of gusset plates, the allowable deviation of displacement is 2mm.



The length of fabricated beam should be less 1mm than designed value so as to be easy to install on site.

c 柱底板与立柱组焊时符合下列要求:

The following requirement should be met when base plate is welded with column:


The allowable deviation of the centerline of base plate is 2mm in relation to the centerline of column.


The allowable deviation of centerline of hole of anchor bolts is 3mm in relation to the centerline of column.


The tolerance of flatness of base plate is 1mm/m.

d 与梁的螺栓连接面,进行喷丸除锈,保证连接面的摩擦系数不小于0.45。并采取保护措施,粘贴胶带,防止二次锈蚀,但不得涂抹影响摩擦系数的油漆、油脂等。

Carry out shot blasting to connected surface of bolt with beam and ensure frication factor is not less than 0.45. Perform protection measures such as sticking the adhesive tape to prevent from rusting again. But applying paints and oil & grease that will affect the frication factor are not permitted.

(8) 焊接 Welding


Manual electric arc welding and CO2 gas shielded welding will be adopted. Process parameters of welding are shown in the table 5.9

a 焊前准备 Preparation before welding


Prepare welding process procedure before performing welding, and which should be qualified through evaluation.


Welders should be qualified through examination and get relevant qualification certificate.

Dry electrodes according to requirements of table 5.8 before using it. Rusted core wire or electrode without coating can not be used.


Remove rust and oil spots on the welding wire before using.


Get rid of foreign materials such as iron rust and oil spots etc. within welding area.

b 定位焊 Tack welding


Adopted welding process of tack welding is same as that of normal welding.



The length of tack weld should be 30~50mm, space length is 300~400mm and the thickness is 1/2~2/3 of designed value.

c 焊接作业 Welding activities

Manual electric arc welding and CO2 gas shielded welding should be adopted. Process parameters of welding are shown in the table 5.9


Generating of arc is not allowed on base metal beyond the scope of welding bead during welding. Clean the slag on the surface of welding seam and grind the scrape and fusion spatter on the surface of base metal.



Apply continuous rounding angle welding at the corner of angle welding seam, the distance between generating & quenching arc points and end of welding seam shall be more than 10mm.


Apply continuous welding to mutilayer weld; clean and check each welding seam in time after it welded, and then welding activities can be gone on after eliminated defects. Joints between layers should be staggered.


Preheating(100~150℃) should be carried out before welding when the thickness of base metal is more than 30mm. Each 100mm of both sides of welding seam is preheated range.


Purify of CO2 used for gas shielded welding must be more 99.5%, water content not more than 0.05%.

GB/T 12157-2022标准下载(10)矫形 Straightening


The deformation of parts produced during assembling and welding can be straightened by two methods such as mechanical and heating straightening.

一般构件以机械矫形为主DB43/T 1777.7-2020 信息技术应用创新工程建设规范 第7部分:办公套件机通用技术要求.pdf,无法采用机械矫形的大型构件,则采以热矫形方法。

(11)除锈、防腐 Rust removal and anti corrosion

a 除锈防腐前,钢构件应经质量检验合格。
