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陶氏施工组织设计(Tao Company's Construction Organization Plan)是一个详细的项目管理文档,它通常在建设项目的初期阶段制定。英文对照的修改可能如下:

111 Section Introduction:

In the revised Tao Company's Construction Organization Plan, Section 111 focuses on the project's preliminary organization and planning. It outlines the key components of the construction process, including the construction team structure, roles and responsibilities, project scheduling, and resource allocation.

- In Chinese: 在修订的陶氏公司施工组织设计中,第111节着重于项目初期的组织和规划。它详细列出了施工过程的关键部分,包括施工团队的结构、职责分工、项目时间表以及资源分配。 - In English: This section明确了项目经理、各部门负责人以及各个工种的专业人员的职责,通过详细的施工流程图展示了施工的步骤和顺序,以确保项目的高效、有序进行。同时,还强调了风险管理、质量管理、安全控制等要素,以保证项目的顺利实施和达到预期目标。



必须露出联接的管口,以便试水检查。The first back fill must be made to expose the pipe end for water test. 第一次回填

管道施工完毕,根据要求进行试水试验。When work finish, the water test will be made as per the codes.

给水、消防、冷却循环水管道作水压试验。污水管作灌水试验。Pressure test is required for water supply piping, firewater piping and cooling water piping; water test is for wastewater piping.

试验介质为自来水。The test medium will be potable water.

水压试验时应作临时加固,压力表为两块,一块在低处,一块在高处,并在最高处设排气阀,灌水时应将排气阀打开,慢慢加水将空气排尽,水灌满后检查管各个接口是否有渗水,然后用试压泵加压,加压应分段进行,第一次加压至试验压力的一半时,检查各个接口是否有渗水,无问题时再加压至试验压力,试验十分钟之内压力降不大于0.005MPa,各接口无渗漏即为合格。During the test, the temporary reinforcement will be made, two pressure gages used, one for lower position and one for high position and a release valve mounted at the highest place, which will be opened when filling water, the filling should be slowly to drive air out, after filling the piping with water, confirm there is no leak, then provide the pressure to the system through pressure pump, which shall execute in sections. For the first, add half of the test pressure to the system and if no leak is found, then add the pressure to test requirement. During the pressure test, the pressure drop shall not be greater than 0.005Mpa within a 10 minute period, if no leaks are found, it passes inspection.

应在第一次回填土完成后进行灌水试验,15 分钟水面不下降,各个接口无渗漏即为合格。Water test is required for the waste water piping shall be done only after the first backfilling is finished, and the work shall not execute until the connections between pipes reach enough strength. Fill the water in the entire system and the water shall be kept in the system for at least fifteen (15) minutes, if the water drop shall not happen, the system passes the test. 污水管作灌水试验,

给水管道、冷却循环水管道在交工前应做管道冲洗,冲洗管道时出水口的水色和进水口水色一致,合格后方可使用。 Water flushing shall be proceeded before handing over to Party A and the work is not passed until the color of outlet water is as same as the inlet water’s.

通水试验:雨水管道和污水管道交工前应作通水试验。以自来水进行,以观察出水口流水量及管道内进水和出水口水色一致确定通水是否合格Water test is necessary for storm water piping and waste water piping and the test medium is potable water. Judge if the works are qualified through checking the outlet water and the color of outlet water and inlet water.。

5.1.7. 卫生器具安装Installation of Plumbing Fixtures

卫生器具安装在室内排水管道完毕后,所留孔洞位置正确时进行,卫生器具安装位置应正确,器具安装时接管煨弯应均匀一致,不得有凹凸等缺陷。器具宜采用予埋螺栓和膨胀螺栓固定。卫生器具支托架的安装须平整、牢固、与器具接触紧密。After installing the interior drain piping and finishing preformed hole, it will be processing to install the plumbing fixture. The radian of bending pipe shall be uniform. It is necessary to fix the fixture with embedded bolt and expansion bolt. The support frame must be flat, firm and close with the fixture.

5.1.8. 洗脸盆安装Mounting the Lavatory

安装时根据洗脸盆排水短管口中心和安装高度在墙上画出中心线和水平线,找出盆架位置,用膨胀螺栓将盆架固定LY/T 2905-2017标准下载,脸盆固定前,预先将冷热水咀和排水栓加热用根母锁紧装好。脸盆固定后,连接冷热水支管,然后将存水弯管和排水栓连接,存水弯管下端套上护口盘插入地面排水短管内。其间隙用铅油缠麻丝塞紧,盖好护口盘。脸盆的堵,链用螺丝系于脸盆上。First, lay out the center line and level line in accordance with the center of the lavatory short drain pipe and the mounting height of the lavatory, second, find the location of the lavatory support and fix the lavatory with expansion bolt. After fixing the lavatory, connect the hot, cold branch, elbow and short drain hydrant, the end of elbow with protective panel should insert into the drain pipe through the floor, the gap of the connection should be filled with oil hemp and then install a protective panel. The plug with a chain should be fastened on the lavatory with a screw.

5.1.9大便器安装The Installation of Water Closet

首先配合土建蹲台砌筑时安装大便器,先清理好排水短管的承口,并将承口,并将承口中心线引至墙上作为确定水箱安装中心线,在大便器的出水口上抹油灰,承口内抹少许。然后把大便器的出口挤压在承口内,找平找正,稳装严密,将挤出的油灰抹光,并使大便进水口的中心对准墙上中心线。First, we should clean the drain pipe bell &spigot; second, extend the connection center line to the wall and look the line as the center line of water tank; third, plaster putty at the drain of the water closet and plaster the putty a little into the connection; then, press the drain onto the connection, leveling, correct the location of the location and make the center line of the closet with the center line on the wall.
