




一、项目背景: 本项目旨在对厂区内的中压电缆进行敷设,以满足工厂的电力需求,提升生产效率,保障设备稳定运行。施工方案旨在通过科学的规划和严谨的实施,确保电缆敷设的安全、高效和经济。

二、施工目标: 1. 安装全新的中压电缆线路,满足生产设备的电力负荷需求。 2. 保证电缆敷设符合国家相关标准和企业规定,确保电缆的使用寿命和安全性。 3. 优化电缆路径,减少后期维护成本,提高工作效率。

三、施工内容: 1. 电缆选型:根据设备功率和线路长度,选择合适的中压电缆。 2. 线路规划:设计合理的电缆敷设路径,避免高风险区域,降低安全隐患。 3. 施工准备:清理敷设区域,确保施工环境整洁。 4. 电缆敷设:按照规定的技术规范进行电缆安装,确保电缆排列整齐、固定牢固。 5. 测试与验收:施工完成后进行电缆绝缘测试,确保线路的安全性。

四、施工流程: 1. 现场勘查与设计 2. 材料准备 3. 施工准备与电缆敷设 4. 验收与调试 5. 后期维护与管理

五、安全与环保措施: 严格遵守施工安全规定,设置安全警示标识,确保施工人员和周边环境的安全。同时,采取环保措施,减少施工过程中的噪音和废弃物排放。

标题:Outline of Outdoor Medium-Voltage Cable Installation Project Plan (English)

I. Project Background: The project aims to install medium-voltage cables in the factory premises, meeting power requirements and enhancing productivity. The plan ensures safe, efficient, and cost-effective execution.

II. Project Objectives: 1. Install new medium-voltage cable lines to accommodate equipment power loads. 2. Comply with national and company standards, ensuring cable durability and safety. 3. Optimize cable routes to minimize maintenance costs and improve efficiency.

III. Construction Contents: 1. Cable Selection: Choose suitable cables based on equipment power and cable length. 2. Route Planning: Design a safe path for cables, avoiding hazardous areas. 3. Preparations: Clear the installation area for a clean working environment. 4. Cable Installation: Follow technical standards for proper cable placement and fixation. 5. Testing & Acceptance: Conduct electrical tests after completion, ensuring line safety.

IV. Construction Procedure: 1. Site Survey & Design 2. Material Preparation 3. Preparations & Cable Installation 4. Testing & Commissioning 5. Post-construction Maintenance & Management

V. Safety & Environmental Measures: Adhere to strict safety regulations, implement safety signs, and minimize noise and waste during construction, ensuring safety for workers and environmental protection.


5) 控制电缆回路: Control cable circuit:

安装在HCL装置现场的3.6MW马达上的电流信号通过一根直埋敷设的铠装控制电缆直接接入10KV开关柜。The current signal installed on 3.6MW motor in the HCL devices site passes through a buried armored control cable direct access to 10KV switchgear.

二.编制依据 Compilation Basis

1)根据电气包(中压部分)招标文件及招标图纸编制而成。According to Electric package (MV) the tender and tender drawings.

JT∕T 535-2004 路桥用水性沥青基防水涂料三. 施工工艺流程:Construction Process


Preparation→ Cable buried pulling →spread sand and build bricks → backfill→bury sign stake→ hang signs

四. 前期准备 Preparation

4.1 技术准备 Technical Preparation

1) 针对本工程特点编审详细的电缆沟施工作业指导书,及时组织图纸会审。Compile particular cable trench construction engineering guide book as per project characteristics and organize promptly drawings joint examination.

2) 根据上海市电力建设工程施工工艺实施细则结合本工程实际编写电缆沟施工工艺卡,并组织实施。Compile construction technique cards according to the Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Construction Engineering Construction Technology Implementation Details and organize its implementation.

4.2 材料准备Material Preparation

1) 所有材料规格型号及电压等级应符合设计要求,并有产品合格证。All material specifications, models and voltage level should meet design requirements and have product certificates.

2) 每盘电缆上应标明电缆规格、型号、电压等级、长度及出厂日期。电缆盘应完好无损。

Each cable should be marked on specification, model, voltage level, length and manufacture date. Cable tray should be in a good condition.

3) 电缆外观完好无损,铠装无锈蚀、无机械损伤,光泽明亮无皱折和扭曲现象。电缆外皮及绝缘展无老化及裂纹。

The cable exterior condition is intact .The armor has no rust and no mechanical damage. It is shiny and bright without wrinkles and distortions. Cable jacket and insulation show no aging and cracks.

4) 电缆敷设前进行绝缘摇测或耐压试验。测量绝缘用兆欧表的额定电压,采用如下等级:Before laying carry out insulation rolling test or voltage withstand test. Use megger rated voltage to measure insulation. Take the following level:

10KV和35KV电缆:用2500V兆欧表。10KV and 35KV Cable: The 2500V megger.

5) 按设计和实际路径计算每根电缆的长度,合理安排每盘电缆,无电缆接头。Calculate each cable length according to design and actual path. Arrange each cable reasonably without cable joints.

6) 电缆保护套管已经预埋好,故只需要清理管内残渣,并作好管口保护。Cable protection sleeve has been embedded. Clean pipe residue and protect nozzles.

7) 其它附属材料:电缆标示桩、电缆标志牌、油漆、汽油、封铅、硬脂酸、白布带、橡皮包布、黑包布等均应符合要求。Other subsidiary material: cable marking piles, cable signs, paint, gasoline, sealed lead, stearic acid, white belt, rubber cloth, black cloth etc. should meet the requirements.

4.3 主要机具准备 Main Equipment Preparation

卷扬机、敷设电缆用支架及轴、电缆滚轮、转向导轮、吊链、滑轮、钢丝绳、大麻绳、千斤顶。 Winches, bracket and shaft for cable laying, cable roller, transfer guide wheel, hanging chain, pulleys, wire rope, large hemp rope, jacks.

4.4 作业环境准备 Work Environment Preparation

场地清理干净、道路畅通。Site clean up the roads unimpeded


Cable laying equipment has placed, and meets safety requirements. Cable lighting illumination along the route meets the construction requirements.

五. 敷设施工 Work of Cable Pulling

5.1 电缆敷设施工工序Work Procedure

机具布置→电缆展放→电缆敷设、固定Equipment layout → Lay off cable→lay cable and fix

5.2 机具布置 Layout of Tools

5.2.1 电缆的搬运及支架架设Cable Removal and Cable Tray

5.2.2 卷扬机与滑轮的布置 Winch and Pulley Arrangement

电缆架与卷扬机布置见下图: Cable rack and winch arrangement see below:

1) 电缆展放可用人力拉引或机械牵引。当采用机械牵引时,用机械的最大牵引强度宜满足下表的规定,其速度不宜超过15m/min,且应在牵引头或钢丝网套与牵引钢缆之间装设防捻器。 Use manual or mechanical traction. When using mechanical traction, the maximum mechanical strength should meet the requirements in Table, its speed should not exceed 15m/min, and should install fortified twister between traction head or steel mesh sleeve and pulling steel cable.

Cable maximum traction strength (N/mm2)


本次采用机械牵引,采用钢丝网套直接塑料护套方式,按表计算允许最大牵引强度: The mechanical traction uses aluminum and plastic sheath. Calculate allowable maximum traction strength:


碧桂园××首府外墙装饰施工方案(20P).doc35KV cable: 300mm2 single cable, the allowable maximum traction strength:






2)牵引力和侧压力计算:Traction and lateral pressure calculation:

某矿山地质环境治理与恢复工程施工组织设计_secret侧压力计算公式为:The calculating formula lateral pressure: P=T/R

