GB_T50761-2018 石油化工钢制设备抗震设计标准-英文版.pdf

GB_T50761-2018 石油化工钢制设备抗震设计标准-英文版.pdf
资源大小:26.8 M


GB_T50761-2018 石油化工钢制设备抗震设计标准-英文版.pdf简介:

GB_T50761-2018, the Chinese title translates to "Petroleum Chemical Steel Equipment Seismic Design Standard - 2018 Edition". This is a technical standard in the People's Republic of China specifically for the seismic design of steel equipment in the petrochemical industry.

The standard aims to provide guidelines and requirements for the seismic resistance, design, and construction of steel structures and components used in petrochemical plants in order to ensure their safety and functionality during earthquakes. It covers aspects such as seismic loading, structural analysis, seismic detailing, and seismic performance of equipment, taking into account the unique challenges and hazards posed by earthquakes in the petrochemical industry.

This standard is a part of the national series of construction standards in China, providing a uniform and comprehensive set of rules to ensure the seismic resilience of industrial equipment in the face of potential seismic events. The 2018 edition likely includes updated design methodologies, performance criteria, and engineering practices based on the latest research and industry advancements.

The English version of this standard would serve as a reference for international companies, designers, and engineers working in the petrochemical industry who need to ensure their facilities adhere to similar seismic design guidelines.

GB_T50761-2018 石油化工钢制设备抗震设计标准-英文版.pdf部分内容预览:

10.6Liquid sloshing height

6.1Theliquidsloshingwaveheightinsidethetankunderhorizontalseismicactionshall culated according to the following formula:

tank,and 1.0 for fixed rooftank; K,adjustmentcoefficient; αvhorizontal seismic influence coefficient, which shall be determined based on Tw and liquid sloshing damping ratio according to the requirement of Section 4.2 in this standard in respect ofprecautionaryearthquake. 10.6.2In the case ofcontaining flammable or toxic liquid,forfloating rooftanks,thedistancefromthe upper surface of floating roof to the top of tank shell shall be greater than the sloshing height; for fixed roof tanks, the distance from the liquid surface to the top of tank shell shall be greater than the sloshing height.

tank,and 1.0 for fixed rooftank; K,adjustmentcoefficient; αvhorizontal seismic influence coefficient, which shall be determined based on Tand liquid sloshing damping ratio according to the requirement of Section 4.2 in this standard in respect ofprecautionaryearthquake. 10.6.2In thecaseof containing flammableor toxic liquid,forfloating rooftanks,thedistance from the upper surface of floating roof to the top of tank shell shall be greater than the sloshing height; for fixed roof tanks, the distance from the liquid surface to the top of tank shell shall be greater than the sloshing height.

GB/T 20050-2020 大型游乐设施检验检测 通用要求.pdf11 Tubular heater




T,= 0.0268+0.0444 VD2

Where,Hsum of height offloor column,radiant section and convection section ofheater(m); h,—height of stack(m); D.outside diameter of stack(m).

1kThe basic natural vibration period of straight cylinder type stack with constant cross sect may be calculated according to the following formula:

ble 11.2.4Cone height coef

1The design value of horizontal seismic action on the equipment on the thfloor framework shal be calculated according to the following formulas:

=nReasim αsi = βmax a si βmax = yβmax

T. = 3H. X 10

AppendixBSeismiccheckingof verticalvesselssupportedbylegs

Where,[o]allowable seismic stress of legs(MPa),which is determined according to Article 4.7.2 in this standard. B.0.4The seismic checking of weld joint between leg and cylinder shall be calculated according to the followingformulas: 1The shearstress of weld maybe calculated from thefollowing formulas:

Where,tshear stress ofweld(MPa); A,shearareaofweld(mm"); [t]allowable shear stress of weld(MPa), which is determined according to Article 4.7.2 in this standard. 2 The bending stress of weld may be calculated according to the following formulas :

2Thethicknessofbaseplateoflegmaybecalculatedaccordingtothefollowingformul =B 36h T +C

Where,o,thickness ofbaseplate of leg(mm); Bmaximum distancefromlegto edge ofbaseplate(mm); [o]allowable seismic stress of base plate of leg(MPa),which is determined according to Article 4.7.2 in this standard; C,corrosionallowanceofbaseplateofleg(mm)


C.0.1The reaction force of lug caused by horizontal loads(Figure C.0.1)shall be ealculated from th following equation:

昆明市城市设计导则(昆明市自然资源和规划局组编2019年版).pdfF.= F =± (E+E)

Where,F,radial reactionforceonlug of equipmentcaused byhorizontal loads(N); F.circumferential reaction force on lugs of equipment causedby horizontal loads(N); Fhorizontal load on equipment(N),which is a eombination of horizontal loads except for horizontalseismicaction; Feldesign value of horizontal seismic action on equipment(N); nquantityoflugsofequipment.

iagram of reaction force at lugs caused by horizontal load

F,vertical reaction force oflug(N),which is calculated according to theFormula C.o.2; F.circumferential reaction force of lug caused by horizontal loads (N),which is calculated accordingtotheFormula C.o.l; F,radial reaction force of lug caused by horizontal loads(N),which is calculated according to the Formula C.o.l;

Where,t;shear stress of anchor bolt(MPa); [tl.allowable seismic shear stress of anchor bolts (MPa),whichis determined according to Article 4.7.2 in this standard

AppendixDCalculationof flexiblematrixelements

GBT 39618-2020 卫星导航定位基准站网运行维护技术规范.pdfD.0.1Theflexiblematrix elements shall be determined according to the following requirements(Figure D.0.1)
