ASME B30.4-2020 门座起重机和基座式起重机.pdf简介:
ASME B30.4-2020 "门座起重机和基座式起重机"标准是美国机械工程师学会(American Society of Mechanical Engineers,ASME)制定的一份关于移动式工业起重机设计、制造、安装、检验和维护的规范。这份标准主要针对门座起重机和基座式起重机,这类起重机广泛应用于港口、码头、仓库和其他工业设施,用于重型物料的吊运和装卸。
该标准涵盖了多个关键方面,包括但不限于: 1. 起重机的结构和材料要求:定义了设计和制造过程中的强度、刚度、耐腐蚀性等标准。 2. 安全装置:规定了必须安装的安全设备,如起重量限制器、防风制动系统、行程限位器等。 3. 操作和控制:详细描述了操作规程、控制系统要求以及应急响应措施。 4. 安装、检验和维护:提供了关于安装过程中的要点,以及定期检查和维护的建议,以确保设备的稳定运行和用户安全。
ASME B30.4-2020 门座起重机和基座式起重机.pdf部分内容预览:
fromtheeffectsof windperASCESEI7whenthe crane is out of service
(a) Crane trucks shall be fitted with sweeps extending to the top of the rail and placed in front of the leading wheels in either direction. (b) Truck wheels shall be guarded. (c) Means shall be provided to limit the drop of truck frames in case of wheel or axle breakage to a distance that will not cause the crane to overturn
(a) Crane trucks shall be fitted with sweeps extending to the top of the rail and placed in front of the leading wheels in either direction. (b) Truck wheels shall be guarded. (c) Means shall be provided to limit the drop of truck frames in case of wheel or axle breakage to a distance that will not cause the crane to overturn
公路沥青采购B包招标文件End terminations shall be in accordance with ASME B30.30
A metal receptacle should be provided for the storage ol small hand tools and lubricating equipment. It should be secured in the cab or on the machinery platform
Aportable fire extinguisher, with basicminimur extinguisher rating of 1o BC, shall be installed in th cab or at the machinery housing.
control located within reach of the operator
Lubrication points should be accessible without the ecessity of removing guards or other parts with tools inlessequippedforcentralizedlubrication
Engine exhaust gases shall be piped and discharged wayfromtheoperator.Exhaust pipes shall be guarded or insulated to prevent contact by personnel when performing normal duties.
18.6 Wind Velocity Devic
Fuel tank fller pipes shall be located or protected so as not to allow spillage or overflow to run onto the engine, exhaust, or electrical equipment of the machine being fueled
1.18.9Hydraulicand PneumaticLineProtection
Exposed lines subject to damage shall be protected insofar as it is practical.
1Preventive Maintenand
Rope inspection, replacement, and maintenance sh he in accordance with ASME B30.30.
hall include, but not belimited to,requirements in (c)(1 hrough (c)(5) above.
responsibility is to ensure the following: (a) the weight ofthe load and its approximate center o gravity have been obtained, provided, or calculated
4.33.1 General
Priortosignalingcraneoperations,signaipersonssha pe tested by a designated person and demonstrate their qualifications in the following areas:
GB∕T 16535-2008 精细陶瓷线热膨胀系数试验方法 顶杆法For operations not covered by para. additions to or modifications of the standard signals may be required. In such cases, the required special signals shall be agreed upon in advance by the lift director, pperator, and signalperson.These special signals should not be in conflict with the standard signals
Kailclamps,ifused,shouldhaveslackbetweenthepoint ofattachmenttotherail andtheendfastened tothecrane. Rail clamps shall not be used as a means of restraining tipping of a crane.
Portal and pedestal cranes should not be installed where any part of the crane or load can encroach within50ft(15.25m)ofpowerlines.Wherepower line encroachment cannot beavoided,operational re quirements shall be in accordance withASME B30.3
(a) Necessary clothing and personal belongings shal be stored in such a manner as to not interfere with access oroperation. (b) Tools, oilcans, waste, and other necessary articles shall be stored in the toolbox and shall not be permitted to lav loose in orahout.thecah
running (c) Smoking or open flames shall be prohibited in th refuelingarea
《城镇供热系统标志标准 CJJ/T220-2014》running (c) Smoking or open flames shall be prohibited in the refueling area.