DBJ50/T-362-2020 生活垃圾收集运输体系建设标准(附条文说明).pdf简介:
DBJ50/T-362-2020 生活垃圾收集运输体系建设标准(附条文说明).pdf部分内容预览:
Generalprovisions Terms and symbols 2.1Terms 2.2Symbols Basic requirements 4MSW collection and transportation mode 4.1 MSW collectiong 4.2MSW transportation MSW collecting system 5.1 MSWcollection mode 5.2 MSWcontainer 5.3 MSWcollection site 5.4 MSW collection station 5.5 Allocation of collectionvehicles Transfer station of MSW 1 6.1 Scale and project 6.2 Site selection 1, 6.3 3General arrangements ·.. 13 6.4 Processand equipment· 14 6.5 Buildings and structures ·. 16 6.6 Auxiliary projects 16 Environmental protection and labor protection 18 7.1 Environmental protection 18 7.2 Laborprotection 18
Generalprovisions Terms and symbols 2.1Terms 2.2Symbols 3Basic requirements 4MSW collection and transportation mode 4.1 MSW collectiong 4.2MSW transportation MSW collecting system 5.1 MSWcollection mode 5.2 MSWcontainer 5.3 MSW collection site 5.4 MSWcollection station 5.5 Allocationof collectionvehicles 1 Transfer station of MSW 6.1 Scale and project 12 6.2 Site selection 1 6.3 3General arrangements ·.. 13 6.4 Processand equipment· 14 6.5 Buildings and structures ... 16 6.6 Auxiliary projects 16 Environmental protection and labor protection 18 7.1 Environmental protection 18 7.2 Labor protection 18 Constructionland and standards 2
JT∕T 534-2004 沥青路面用聚合物纤维Operation management and labor force 23 1O 2 Maintechnicalandeconomicindicators................... Z4 1 Emergency disposal of MSW collection and transportation
Operation management and labor force 23 O Maintechnicalandeconomicindicators................... Z4 Emergency disposal of MSW collection and transportation
AppendixA CalculationmethodforMSWoutputandthequan tity of MSW container 29 AppendixB Calculationmethodforthequantityofcollector vehicles...... 31 Explanation of wording in this specification 33 Listofquotedstandards 34 Explanation ofProvisions 35
tityofMSWcontainer ? AppendixB Calculationmethodforthequantityofcollector vehicles.... Explanation of wording in this specification 5, Listofquotedstandards ? Explanation of Provisions
1.0.2本标准适用于重庆市范围内新建、扩建、改建的生活 收运项目的建设
ny 一配备的转运车辆数量; 转运车辆备用系数; Q一一转运站能力; 转运车日转运次数; 转运车每次实际载运能力; 转运单元数; Q 单个转运单元的能力。
nc 转运容器数量; m 转运单元数; n 配备的转运车辆数量
4.2.1城市建成区范围内宜采用“二级转运与一级转运相结合 的转运模式。
2.4条的规定DB11∕T 1102-2014 城市轨道交通工程规划核验测量规程,并乘以1.2~1.5的调整系数,
空间,便于投放和清运;同时,宜设置臭气和渗滤液控制措施,并 符合城市卫生和景观环境的要求
1 采用人力收集,服务半径宜为0.4km以内,最大不宜超 过1km。 2采用小型机动车收集,服务半径不宜超过2km。镇(乡), 村收集站的服务半径可适当增大
GB/T 24186-2022标准下载5.4.5符合下列要求之一的宜设置小压站:
规范卫生防护措施,并应通过技术改造或改扩建使其实现密闭收 集作业。