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ASME BPVC-IX-2017,全称为《美国机械工程师学会材料和焊接规范》的第九部分,2017年版,主要关注焊接和钎焊接工艺、焊工、钎焊工以及焊接和钎接操作工的评定标准。这份规范详细规定了焊接过程中的技术要求、质量控制、安全规定,以及对焊接和钎焊操作人员的资格认证标准。




arc seam weld: a seam weld made by an arc welding process. arc spot weld: a spot weld made by an arc welding process

welding torch or gun is directed opposite to the progress ofwelding.

GBJ 125-1989 给水排水设计基本术语标准bond line (brazing and thermal spraying): the cross sec cion of the interface between a braze or thermal spray de posit and the substrate.

brazer:onewhoperformsamanualorsemiautomati brazing operation.

metal(s) is heated to enable the filler metal to wet the base metal(s) and form a brazed joint

brazing temperature range: the temperature range within which brazing can be conducted.

heated blocks applied to the joint. This is an obsolete or seldom used process.

brazing, furnace (FB): a brazing process in which the workpieces are placed in a furnace and heated to the brazingtemperature.

brazing,induction (lB):abrazing process that uses heat from the resistance of the workpieces to induced electric current

brazing,resistance(RB):abrazingprocessthatusesheat from the resistance to electric current flow in a circuit of which the workpieces are a part.

brazing,semiautomatic:brazingwithequipmentwhich controls only the brazing filler metal feed.The advance of the brazing is manually controlled.

brazing, torch (TB): a brazing process that uses heat from afuelgas flame.

clad brazing sheet: a metal sheet on which one or both sides are clad with brazing filler metal. coalescence:thegrowingtogetherorgrowthinto one body of the materials being joined.

contact tube: a device which transfers current to a contin uous electrode.

control method,position (FSW):a control method that uses a set plunge position relative to the plate surface o control the tool position.Under the position control method, the plunge force can vary,within a specified range, during welding.

coupon: see test coupon

crack: afracture discontinuity terizedbya sharp tip and high ratio of length and width to opening displacement.

electrode, lightlycoated:afillermetal electrode consisti of ametalwire witha light coatingapplied subsequent chedrawing operation,primarily for stabilizing the ar

the drawing operation, primarily for stabilizing the arc. electrode, metal: a filler or nonfiller metal electrode used in arc welding and cutting that consists of a metal wire or rod that has been manufactured by any method and that is eitherhareor covered

electrode,tungsten:anonfilermetalelectrodeusedinar welding, arc cutting, and plasma spraying, made princi pally oftungsten.

face feed: the application of filler metal to theface side of a joint.

illermetal:themetal or

fillermetal, brazing:themetal oralloyusedas afillerme tal in brazing, which has a liquidus above 840°F (450°C) and below the solidus of the base metal

filler metal, powder: filler metal in particle form.

aw:an undesirablediscontinuity.Seealsodefect

fusion (fusion welding): the melting together of filler metal and base metal, or of base metal only, to produce a weld. fusion face: a surface of the base metal that will be melted duringwelding

globulartransfer(arcwelding):atypeofmetaltransferin which molten filler metal is transferred across the arc in largedroplets.

face of the heater where the pipe or fitting cross section makes contact during butt fusing.

LY/T 2791-2017 生态露营地建设与管理规范nugget: the volume of weld metal formed in a spot, seam, or projection weld.

nugget: the volume of weld metal formed in a spot,

powder: see filler metal, powder

preheatcurrent:animpulseorseriesofimpulsesthato curs priorto and is separated from the welding current.

etainer:nonconsumablematerial,metallic ornonmeta ic, which is used to contain or shape molten weld meta ieealsobacking.

eal weld: any weld designed primarily to provide a sp ific degree of tightness against leakage

eamwela:acontinuousweidmadebetweenorupon overlappingmembersinwhichcoalescencemaystart and occur on thefaying surfaces,or may haveproceeded fromthesurfaceofonemember.Thecontinuousweld may consist of a single weld bead ora series of overlap

specimen: see test specimen

小区文明施工组织设计管理办法stringer bead: a weld beadformed without appreciabl weavina
