《煤矿立井井筒及硐室设计规范 》(GB50384-2016)(英文版).pdf简介:
《煤矿立井井筒及硐室设计规范》(GB50384-2016)是中国国家标准,英文版可能没有直接发布,但它的英文名可能为"Code for Design of Vertical Cylindrical Shafts and Adits in Coal Mines"。这个规范是中国煤炭行业对于煤矿立井(垂直的井筒,用于提升煤炭和人员)以及相关的硐室(如巷道、工作面等)设计的强制性标准。
《煤矿立井井筒及硐室设计规范 》(GB50384-2016)(英文版).pdf部分内容预览:
Pw.k = wH Pn.k = .H.
Pn.kCharacteristicvalueofcounterweightwaterpressure(MPa), wGravity density ofmud(MN/m")is suitable to take O.012MN/m,at the early stage of shafi lining suspension sinking is suitabletotake O.01OMN/m3. —Gravitydensity ofcounterweight watertake O.01oMN/m3. H.Height from mud liquid level to shaft lining bottom(m)
H,Height from balance waterto thebottom of shaft lining(m). 6.4.22The shaft lining thickness of the shaft by the shaft drilling method shall be preliminarily determined by the followingformula: 1The shaft lining of thin walled cylinder(t 多层及高层钢结构安装施工工艺标准YoPr. T.%P IS 2%P f,=fe+Pminfy P = vP. Where,H.rCriticaldepthofshaftlining(m) ICrosssection inertiamomentofshaft(m*). q;Shaft lining weight per meter(N/m). F,External sectional area ofshaft(m*). A—Coefficient values which may be selected according to Table 6.4.28 KcrCoefficientvalues which may be selected according toTable6.4.28 Table 6.4.28Coefficient value of vertical stability of shaft lining =d,十H D=d±2h H,Distance between the protuberance of the cutting edge and the bevel point on the inside edge of the cutting edge L—Distance between the caisson shaft lining and sidewall(m),L = (D, D), 1Shaft lining weight ratio shall be calculated according to the following formula: G S lere,WThecalculatedweightratioofshaftlining(kN/m*)is20kN/mto26kN/m GDead weightofcaisson shaft lining(include buoyancy)(kN) SExternalareaofcaissonshaftlining(m"). 2 In case of checking the calculation according to the sinking conditions,the following requireme ll be inaccordancewith: Table 6.5.13(continued) e6.6.3Calculation simplified diagram of concrete curtai Figure 6.6.3 Calculationsimplifieddiagram fconcretecurtall BEfficient thickness of concrete curtain(m) inArticle6,1.3ofthiscode. Safety coefficient may take 1.7 in case that the concrete curtain is used as temporary support, and the safety coefficient may take3.4 incase that the concrete curtain is used aspermanent support 7.4Cageshaftsumpand cleaning AppendixACalculationforinternalforceand Calculationforinternalforcean ngcapacityofconcreteshaftlining Note:b is equal to shaft lining thickness( m) Bearing capacity of circle cross section of reinforced concrete shaft lining shall be calculated accordingtofollowingformula: 3)Bearing capacity of circle cross section ofreinforced concrete shaft lining shall be accordingtofollowing formula: N capacity of circle cross section of reinforced concrete shaft lining shall be calculated ng to thefollowingformula Where,pSteel ratio ofcircle cross section of shaft lining(%) 3Steel ratio of circle cross section of shaft lining(o)and cross section area of steel reinforcement (A,)shall bedeterminedbyfollowingmethod: 1)In case that o,≤fe,the reinforcing steel bar shall be equipped in accordance with the construction requirements.In case that o,>fe,the steel ratio shall be calculated according to the followingformula 2)In case that eo≥0.225t,it shall be calculated according to thefollowing formula: 2)lncasethateo>0.225t,itshallbecalculatedaccordingtothefollowingformu Table A.l.2Relative limit height at tensile reinforcing steel bars yielding point DB52/T 537-2018标准下载A.4 Calculationofthestructuralstrengtharoundtheinterfaces betweenthetopsoillayerandthebedrock 4.1Shear force and longitudinal bending moment of the shaft lining at the interface of the tops er and bedrock may be calculated according to the following formulas (calculation diagram 21ureA.4.1) A.4.4The reinforcing steel bars configuration shall be in accordance with the following requirements: 4.4The reinforcing steel bars configuration shall be in accordance with the following requirements 1The length of reinforcing steel bars configuration beneath and above the interface shall not s than one wave length,and the wave length may be calculated according to the following formula: Appendix BCalculation for shaft lining affected 5. Calculationofshaftliningaffectedbythehoist tower settled on thetopsoil layerfoundation T/CFA 02010202-2-2017 用于塑料管与球墨铸铁管连接的球墨铸铁连接器.pdf5. Calculationofshaftliningaffectedbythehoist tower settled onthetopsoil layerfoundation