EN1886-2010 欧标组合式空调箱.pdf

EN1886-2010 欧标组合式空调箱.pdf
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EN1886-2010 欧标组合式空调箱.pdf简介:

EN1886-2010是欧洲标准化组织(CEN)制定的一系列关于空调和空气处理设备的标准之一。它具体规定了组合式空调箱(Packaged Air Handling Units, PAHU)的设计、制造、检验和性能要求。组合式空调箱是一种集成式空气处理设备,通常包括冷却、加热、通风、加湿、除湿等功能,能够在一个单一的箱体内完成空气的处理,广泛应用于商业、工业和住宅环境。



EN1886-2010 欧标组合式空调箱.pdf部分内容预览:

7.1.1 General

especlallyahigh efficiency one, because the bypass air is not filtered. In addition, any inward leakage through the casing downstream of the filter has the same effect. Therefore for filters located upstream of the fan, che air tightness and area of the casing between the filter and the fan are factors that can affect the filterbypassleakagerate

7.1.2Acceptable filterbypass leakage rates

Table 7 gives the acceptable filter bypass leakage rate, related to different filter classes, as percentages of the specified or nominal air flow rate of the air handling unit to be tested. If the filter is upstream of the fan, leakages of the sections between the filter and fan are deemed to be included in the specified values. In the case of downstream filters the specified values are for the bypass around the filteronly

GB 55007-2021 砌体结构通用规范UNIEN 1886:2008

EN 1886:2007 (E)


Unfiltered air for filters located upstream the fan is considered to be the bypass leakage around the filter cells plus the casing air leakage of the sections between the filter and the fan. Unfiltered air for filters located downstream the fan is considered to be the bypass leakage around the filter cells only The unit shall be deemed to pass if the specified value for the filter bypass leakage rate, determined in 7.2, is no greater than the acceptable filter bypass leakage rate gva

.1.3Two or more filter sections in the same un

If two or more filter sections are provided within the air handling unit, the filter bypass leakage shall be testedseparatelyforeachfilter.

7.2.1 General


EN 1886:2007(E

The filter cells shall be removed and replaced with blanking plates, e.g. as shown in Figure 5. These plates shall have exactly the same shape, dimensions and surface quality as the filter cell in the area relevant to air tightness. Alternatively,the inlet face of every individualfilter cell may be covered with a plate or a foil The joints between the filter cells and frames shall not be covered and any additional fastenings of olates,foils shall not have any influence on the airtightness of the joints. Openings for electrical, air or water services shall be closed prior to testing. The accuracy of the measuring device for the leakage airflow shall be ± 3,o %

DB37 T1809.5-2011 资源综合利用火力发电厂安全生产规范 第5部分:发电机及变配电装置.pdfThe filter cells shall be removed and replaced with blanking plates, e.g. as shown in Figure 5. These plates shall have exactly the same shape, dimensions and surface quality as the filter cell in the area relevantto airtightness. Alternatively,the inlet face of every individualfilter cell may be covered witha plate or a foil The joints between the filter cells and frames shall not be covered and any additional fastenings of olates,foils shall not have any influence on the airtightness of the joints. Openings for electrical, air or water services shall be closed prior to testing. The accuracy of the measuring device for the leakage airflow shall be ± 3,o %

UNIEN 1886:2008

.2.2Filters downstream of the fan (positive pre

EN 1886:2007 (E)

For testing, the inlet opening of the test filter section shall be covered with an airtight plate. A leakage test apparatus shall be connected as shown in Figures 6 and 7. The outlet opening for the test filter shall beopen. The test shall be carried out in two stages at a positive test pressure of 40o Pa. Firststage: Determination of the total leakage ql! The total leakage is specified by the formula: qLt=qL+qLf (4)) where is the total leakage; qL is the sum of leakages through the casing; qLf is the sum of leakages through the joints between the filter cell, the frame and the casing Measurement of the total leakage shall be carried out with blanking plates, replacing or covering each individual filter cell in the filter section; as described in 7.2.1.


EN 1886:2007

Secondstage: Determination of the leakage through the casing g

CJ∕T 14-1999 环境卫生设施与设备图形符号 设施图例Air leakage through the casing shall be determined by eliminating all possible bypass leakage through the framework around the filter cells. Therefore the entire frontal face area of filter frames and filter cells shall be blanked off, including the filter frames adjoining the casing panels.
