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ACI 318M-08是美国混凝土协会(American Concrete Institute, ACI)出版的混凝土结构设计规范的修改版。它全称为"Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ACI 318-08, 2008 Edition with 2014, 2017, and 2021 Amendments"。该规范是美国混凝土结构设计的标准,为建筑物和其他结构的最小设计荷载提供指导,包括但不限于静载、动载、风荷载、地震荷载等。

ACI 318M-08涵盖了混凝土结构的设计原则、材料选择、计算方法、构造细节、质量控制等内容,对混凝土结构的强度、刚度、稳定性以及耐久性都有严格的规定。它适用于住宅、商业、工业和公共建筑等各种类型和规模的结构设计。



R1.1.9Provisions for earthquake resistance

Seismic Design Categories in this Code are adopted directly are used by the 2006 edition of the “International Building Construction and Safety Code.l.16 The “BOCA National Building Code" (NBC)l.17 and "Standard Building Code" (SBC)1.18 use Seismic PerformanceCategories.The 1997 requirements to seismic zones, whereas previous editions of ACI 318 related seismic design requirements to seismic risk levels. Table R1.1.9.1 correlates Seismic Design Categories to the low, moderate/intermediate, and high seismic risk terminology used in ACI 318 for several editions before the 2008 edition, and to the various methods of assigning design requirements in use in the U.S. under the various model building codes, the ASCE/SEI 7 standard, and the


《民用运输机场航站楼综合布线系统工程设计规范 MH/T5021-2016》This Code does not govern design and construction of tanks and reservoirs.

1.2.1—Copies of design drawings, typical details, and specifications for all structural concrete construction shall bear the seal of a licensed design professional. These drawings, details, and specifications shall show:

(a) Name and date of issue of code and supplement to which design conforms;

[b) Live load and other loads used in design:

In the absence of a general building code that prescribes earthquake loads and seismic zoning, it is the intent of Committee 318 that application of provisions for seismic design be consistent with national standards or model building codes such as References 1.14. 1.15, and 1.16.

R1.1.9.2 Structures assigned to Seismic design category (SDC) A have the lowest seismic hazard and performance requirements. Provisions of Chapters 1 through 19 and Chapter 22 are considered sufficient for these structures. For structures assigned to other SDCs, the design requirements of Chapter 21 apply, as delineated in 21.1

R1.2Drawingsand specifications

R1.2.1 The provisions for preparation of design drawings and specifications are, in general, consistent with those of most general building codes and are intended as supplements

Provision for dimensional changes resulting from eep,shrinkage,andtemperature;

(g)Magnitude and location of prestressing forces; (h)Anchorage length of reinforcement and location and length of lap splices; (i)Typeandlocation of mechanical andwelded Snlices of rainforcamant:

i) Type and location of mechanical and welded splicesofreinforcement:


GB@T50378-2006《绿色建筑评价标准》.pdfMANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICE


The Code permits model analysis to be used to supplement structural analysis and design calculations.Documentation of the model analysis should be provided with the related calculations.Model analysis should be performed by an individual having experience in this technique.



1.3.1 Concrete construction shall be inspectedas required by the legally adopted general building code.In theabsenceof such inspectionrequirements,concrete construction shall be inspected throughout the various Work stages by or under the supervision of a licensed design professional orby a qualified inspector.

Copyiaht Ame lican Concrete Institute

TD/T 1042-2013 土地整治工程施工监理规范performed well. Inspection is necessary to confirm that the construction is in accordance with the design drawings and project specifications. Proper performance of the structure depends on construction that accurately represents the design and meets code requirements within the tolerances allowed.Qualification of the inspectors canbe obtained from a certification program, such as the ACI Certification Program for Concrete Construction Special Inspector

R1.3.1 Inspection ofconstruction byorunderthe supervision of the licensed design professional responsible for the design should be considered because the person in charge of the design is usually the best qualified to determine if constructionis inconformancewith construction documents. When such an arrangement is not feasible,inspection of construction through other licensed design professionals or through separate inspection organizations with demonstrated capability for performing the inspection may be used.
