(ABB技术应用白皮书5)Circuit-breakers-for-direct-current-applications 2011【经典】.pdf简介:
"Circuit-breakers-for-direct-current-applications 2011" 是ABB(阿贝贝克特)公司于2011年发布的一份技术应用白皮书。这份白皮书主要关注直流电路断路器在各种直流应用中的技术和解决方案。直流断路器是电力系统中关键的保护设备,它用于在电路发生故障时快速断开,以保护电力设备和电路免受损坏。
(ABB技术应用白皮书5)Circuit-breakers-for-direct-current-applications 2011【经典】.pdf部分内容预览:
Technical Application Papers
modality of poles (for MCCBs type SACE Tmax X7) in an insulated ne
客运专线无碴轨道铁路工程测量暂行规定 铁建设[2006]189号protectivedevice
Technical Application Papers
or higher voltagas, ask ABE
Technical Application Papers
for higher voltage ask ABE
TechnicalApplication Papers
8 Use of alternating current equipment in
Technical Application Papers
Table 19 Coefficient km accordling to the connection modality of the CB poles
I3= 10 xIln x km = 10 x 160 x 1.3= 2080 A (±20% tolerance)
8.2ConnectionoftheCBpoles inparallel
ent in direct curreni
Technical Application Papers
9 ABB offerl
9 ABB offer
Miniature circuitabreakers
The following table shows the electrica/characteristics ofthe MCBs type S280 UC
Forthepoleconnectionspleaserefertothefollowi electricalscheme:
Technical Application Papers
to be used in d.c. circuits with high voltages, typical of photovoltaic plants (in the connection section between panels and inverter)
9 ABB offer
Power distribution
Technical Application Papers
Technical Application Papers
9 ABB offer
Technical Application Papers
9 ABB offer
Direct current distribution systems
Technical Application Papers
earthing point Figure 27 IT d.c. distribution system with the middle point of the supply distribution systen isolatedformearth
The calculations on the following pages refer to this schema: Figure 29 Schema referred to the d.c. circuit
Figure 29 Schema referred to the d.c. circuit
0.95 Eb Ikb= R + 0.1 Rb
DBJ53-T-76-2016 建筑施工轮扣式钢管支架安全技术规程.pdfTimetopeakt.andrisetimeconstantT To determine these parameters it is necessary to calculate the relationshipi
0 R 1 L T.
with the time constant T, = 30ms
Technical Application Papers
Technical Application Papers
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JC∕T 454-1992(1996) 用于水泥中的粒化增钙液态渣We reserve the right to make changes in the course of technical development of the product Copyright 2011 ABB. All rights reserved.