SY/T 6911-2012 标准规范下载简介
SY/T 6911-2012 石油钻修井电子指重表简介:
SY/T 6911-2012是中华人民共和国石油行业标准,全称为"石油钻修井电子指重表技术条件"。这份标准详细规定了石油钻修井过程中使用的电子指重表的设计、制造、试验、使用和维护的技术要求。
总的来说,SY/T 6911-2012是保证石油钻修井电子指重表质量,提升钻井作业安全性和效率的重要技术依据。钻井企业、设备制造商和维护人员都需要遵循这个标准来执行相关工作。
SY/T 6911-2012 石油钻修井电子指重表部分内容预览:
4.2Test conditions
High and low tempera
占地面积144平米二层独栋别墅4.4Vibration test
5.4Vibration test
Performvisual inspection on theappearance of the instrument, and the results shall conform to therequirementgiven in3.3
Perform visual inspection on the appearance of the instrument, and the results shall conform to therequirementgivenin3.3
4.8 Zero drift test
4.9 Overload test
4.11Insulating strength test
Inspection rules
5.1Delivery inspection
Every instrument shall pass delivery inpsection before delivery, and the inpsection items are shown in Table 3.
5.2Type inspection
Type inspection shall be conducted according the items in Table3 under any of the following con ditions:
5.3Sampling plan for typeinspection
Table3Inspection items
《建设工程施工质量评价标准 GBT50375-2006》5. 4Criterion
Marking,packaging,transport and storage
6Marking, packaging,transport and storag
The instrument shall have legible and durable marking, which includes: 20
6.2Packaging mark
Packaging mark shall conform to the stipulation in GB/T 191.
G353-4~6 钢筋混凝土屋面梁(2004年合订本)[混凝土构件]6.3Packaging
The packaging of the instrument shall conform tothe stipulation inGB/T13384. The following documents are indispensable in packing boxes: Qualitycertificate; Operationalmanual, Packing list and accessorylist
6. 4Transport