GB/T 51126-2015 波分复用(WDM)光纤传输系统工程验收规范 (英文版).pdf

GB/T 51126-2015 波分复用(WDM)光纤传输系统工程验收规范 (英文版).pdf
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GB/T 51126-2015 波分复用(WDM)光纤传输系统工程验收规范 (英文版).pdf简介:

GB/T 51126-2015, "Optical WDM Fiber Transmission System Engineering Acceptance Specifications", is a technical standard in China that specifies the requirements and procedures for the acceptance testing of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) fiber transmission systems. This standard is aimed at ensuring the quality and reliability of such systems in engineering projects, which are widely used in telecommunications, data transmission, and other industries.

It covers various aspects including system design, installation, testing, and documentation, with a focus on performance parameters, system functionality, and safety measures. The document provides guidelines for engineers, technicians, and other stakeholders to ensure that the installed WDM systems conform to the established technical standards and specifications.

The PDF version of this standard likely contains detailed technical specifications, test methods, acceptance criteria, and best practices, making it a key reference for professionals working in the field of optical fiber communication systems. Since it is in Chinese, an English translation or summary may not be readily available, but you can find the original Chinese version for reference or seek a professional translation service if needed.

GB/T 51126-2015 波分复用(WDM)光纤传输系统工程验收规范 (英文版).pdf部分内容预览:

Informationstructurewhichcontains OPUkandtherelevantoverheadsofODUk(opticalchar


2.1.12Optical channel transportunit

DL∕T 5399-2007 水电水利工程垂直升船机设计导则Optical supervisory chan



3.3.1The installation of frame shall meet the following requirements :

ITheinstallation of frame shall meet thefollowing requirements:

EquipmentFrameand SubframeInstallation



1The following aspects shall meet the design requirements, including routing of optical fiber jumper cable,sheath color of different optical fiber cables,arrangement of transmitting and receiving ignals fordifferentopticalfiber jumpercables; 2The optical fiber iumper cable should be laid within optical fiber trough and shall remain


+ FunctionCheckandPerformanceTestingofEquipm

.IPowerand EquipmentFunction Check

1Optical power of eachwavelength shall betested at input/output port in theOMU channel culate insertion loss and its maximum difference;the optical power difference at input/output p its maximum difference shall meetthose specified in Table 4.2.1. Table4.2.1OMUinsertion lossandmaximumdifference(dB

4.3.1Optical power of each wavelength shall be tested atinput/outputpor calculate insertion loss and its maximum difference;the optical power differe andtheirmaximumdifferenceshall meetthosespecified inTable4.3.1. Table 4.3.1ODU insertion loss and maximum difference(dB)

43ODU Performance Testing

.1Opticalpower of eachwavelengthshallbetested atinput/outputport inthe ODUchanne culate insertion loss and its maximum difference;the optical power difference at input/outputp I their maximum difference shall meet those specified in Table 4.3.1. Table 4.3.1ODU insertion loss and maximum difference(dB)

Where,ISOL theisolationofadiacentchanneltoA:channeldB) P,the optical power level of dominant longitudinal mode peak value at ; channel(dBm); P,—themaximum crosstalk level received at ^; channel(dBm). 3The isolation of adjacent channels with other wavelengths may be calculated by the same spectrumanalyzerresolutionshouldbesetat O.2nm.

Table4.3.2ODUchannel isolation(dB



wavelength may be tested according to those specified in Article 4.3.3 of this code; the calculation result shall be in accordancewiththose specified in Table4.4.1


4.6.1The average transmitting optical power testingshall be carried out by using optical power meter at OTU output port and the results shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.6.1. Table4.6.1OTU averagetransmitting optical power(dBm)

Table 4.6.2OTU receiving sensitivity(dBm

able4.6.3OTU overload optical power(dBm)

Table 4.6.7Jitter generation

4.6.9For jitter transfer characteristics testing,as shown in Figure 4.6.7, the results (Figu shall meetthe requirements specified in Table 4.6.9.

Figure 4.6.9 OUT jittering transfer characteristics

Table 4.6.9OUT jittering transfer characteristics parameter values

4.8.1Forthetesting of total inputoptical power,theoptical power atPointR shall betestedwhile the OLA normally receives multiple wavelength optical signals, and the results shall meet the design requirements 4.8.2Forthetestingof total outputoptical power,theopticalpoweratPointSmshall betestedwhile theOLAoperates normally.and the results shall meetthedesign requirements

DB22∕436-2007 公共建筑节能设计标准4.9OSAPerformanceTesting

4.10OSC Performance Testing


5.1System PerformanceTesting

Table5.1.2System output jittering


GB 50335-2016 城镇污水再生利用工程设计规范unacknowledged history alarm and acknowledged history alarm; 5Alarm output function. The parameters of fault supervision alarm shall meet those si T able 5.4.2.

unacknowledged history alarm and acknowledged history alarm; 5Alarm output function.The parameters of fault supervision alarm shall meet those specified in

Fault supervision alarm p
