GB 50689-2011 通信局(站)防雷与接地工程设计规范(英文版).pdf

GB 50689-2011 通信局(站)防雷与接地工程设计规范(英文版).pdf
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GB 50689-2011 通信局(站)防雷与接地工程设计规范(英文版).pdf简介:

"GB 50689-2011 Communication Bureaus and Stations' Lightning Protection and Grounding Engineering Design Code (English Version).pdf" 是一份由中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部发布的中文标准,英文版的名称为"Communication Bureaus and Stations' Lightning Protection and Grounding Engineering Design Code"。这份规范主要针对通信局(站)的防雷与接地工程设计,它为通信设施的建设、改造和维护提供了详细的指导和标准,包括防雷系统的设计、安装、测试以及接地系统的配置要求。



GB 50689-2011 通信局(站)防雷与接地工程设计规范(英文版).pdf部分内容预览:


TheLightningProtectionandEarthing of Mici

DB63∕639-2007 施工现场临时性建(构)筑物设计、施工应用技术规程Fig.8.1.3Earth grid of microwave stations 8.1.5The earthing resistance of microwave stations should be controlled within 102.Whe resistivity ofmicrowave stations is larger than1oooQm,the soilresistivity ofmicrowave sta not be limited, but the equivalent radius of earth grid shall be larger than 10m, and several radial earth electrodes shall be added at the periphery ofearth grid according to geographical co

9.1 GeneralRequirements

Table 9.3.4(continued)

Table 9.3.4(continued)


4)Technical indexes of isolated lightning protection boxes shall meet provisions of Table 9.3.1 Table 9.3.12Technical indexes of isolated lightning protection box

9.4TheInstallationRequirements ofPowerS

AppendixATheStatisticsTablesoftheAverageNumberof ThunderstormDaysinOneYearonMajorCities

AppendixATheStatisticsTablesoftheAverageNumberof ThunderstormDaysinOneYearonMajorCities

Table AThe statistics tables of the average number of thunderstorm days in one year on major citie

Table A(continued

AppendixB TheNationwideZonedMapof theAverageNumberof ThunderstormDaysinOneYear


Fig.C.0.3Installation diagram of SPDs for TT power supply systems

AppendixETheTest of EarthingResistance

AppendixFTheMeasurementof EarthResistivity

F.o.1Before the earth resistivity is measured,we should firstlyknow about the geologica geologic structure of the soil,and should estimate the local earth resistivity according to Table Table F.o.1Geologic age and geologic structure and earth resistivity

GB∕T 14685-2011 建设用碎石卵石aElectrode spacing (m),shall be measured according to Fig.F.0.2; Electrode depth (m),shall be measured according to Fig.F.0.2.

F.0.3When the burial depth b of measured electrode is not in excess of o.1 A,al is O,the formula of this code(F.O.2) Can be simplified as the following equation: 0=2元aR

Fig.F.0.2Measurement of earth resistivity

0.4When the earth resistivity is measured according to Fig.F.O.2 of this code, the follow uirements shallbemet: 1The steel earth bar, instead of threaded rod, shall be used as testing electrode.At soil zoi hmanyrocks,the earth bar should be driven in slantly at a certain angle with the vertical directi

The slant earth bar shall get out of the top of rocks. 2When the position of underground metal objects is known,the orientation of earth bar may be vertical to that of undergroundmetal objects (pipelines). 3Measurementshall notbeperformedwhen the soil is still wetafterraining F.0.5The earth resistivity shall be measured at dry seasons or after several days of clear weather.The earth resistivity shall be the maximumvalue among the data of measured earthresistivity,which shall be seasonally adjusted according to the following formula: 山 (F0.5)

GB 50041-2008 锅炉房设计规范AppendixGLightningProtectionZones

Explanationof Wording inThis Code

Listof QuotedStandards
