GBT 51273-2018 英文版 石油化工钢制设备抗震鉴定标准.pdf

GBT 51273-2018 英文版 石油化工钢制设备抗震鉴定标准.pdf
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GBT 51273-2018 英文版 石油化工钢制设备抗震鉴定标准.pdf简介:

GBT 51273-2018是中国的一项国家标准,其英文名称为"Petroleum and Chemical Industry Steel Equipment Seismic Performance Evaluation Standard",即"Petroleum and Chemical Steel Equipment Seismic Evaluation Standard"。这个标准主要针对石油化工行业的钢制设备,它规定了在地震发生时,这些设备应如何进行抗震设计、施工、检验和评估,以保证其在地震中的安全性能。


总结来说,GBT 51273-2018是针对石油化工行业钢制设备的抗震性能评估的强制性技术规范,适用于相关的设计、制造、安装和运营单位。

GBT 51273-2018 英文版 石油化工钢制设备抗震鉴定标准.pdf部分内容预览:

able 9.2.8Calculation of (E)...(P.)..rand(F+P.).


GB 51301-2018-T:建筑信息模型设计交付标准(无水印,带书签)Where: Coemembrane stress along equator line of the spherical shell under operating condition(MPa); pdesign pressure(MPa); poeliquid hydrostatic pressure of medium along equator line under operating condition(MPa) ; D,—inside diameter of spherical shell(mm); 0effectivethickness of spherical shell(mm). 9.2.10 The eccentric bending moment on support columns under operating condition may be calculated accordingtofollowingformula:

Moeccentric bending moment on support column under operating condition(N·mm); R,—inside radius of spherical shell(mm); μpoisson's ratio of the material of spherical shell,which is taken as μ=0.3; Ematerial elasticity modulus of the spherical shell under room temperature(MPa). 9.2.11The additional bending moment on a support column under operating condition may be calculated accordingtofollowingformula

M。total bending moment on a support column under operating condition(N·mm). .13The stability of a support column under operating condition maybe determined according owingformmlas:

lernessratioandtypeofcolumnand maleriai columnn

Note: The intermediate values are calculated by linear interpolation method

lote: Thc intermcdiatc values are calculated by linear interpolation n

2The frictional forcebetween thebaseplateof supportcolumn andthefoundationmay

calculated according to following formula

3The shear stress may be calculated according to following formula: 元nd


9.2.16The bending stress of the base plate(Figure 9.2.16)may be calculated according to the followingformula:

ldistancefrom outer edge of the base plate toouter surface of the support column(mm); D,diameterofbaseplate of supportcolumn(mm); o,—thicknessofbaseplate(mm); Ret.yield strength or 0.2% offset yield strength stipulated in the standard of base plate material under room temperature (MP)

following requirements

Fr=(P) cosβ 4FT T≤0.9Re. rdi

9.2.19The shear stress in connection welds between support columns and spherical shell (Figure 9.2.19)maybecalculatedaccordingtofollowing formulas

(F,)ma W~/(岁)+L



10.1 Generalrequirements

following formula:

Rinsideradiusoftank(m); hsloshingheightofstoredliquid(m) 1o.2.9Inthe case of tanks containing flammable ortoxic liquid,forfloating roof tank and dome roof tank, the distance from the liquid level to the top of the tank shell shall be greater than the sloshing height; for the internal floating roof tank, the distance from the liquid level to the lower edge of the overflowdrainon thetank shell shall begreaterthanthesloshingheight

lo.3.1Ifthe checkingshowsthatthefirstshellcoursecannotmeet therequirements,additiona reinforcement pads shall be provided.Specifically,the reinforcement pads may be directly welded to or boltedtothefirstshell course. 10.3.2If thecheckingshowsthatatankscapabilityagainstoverturningcannotmeettherequirements thetank shallbefixedtothefoundationwithanchorbolts. 10.3.3For thetank whose walls are difficult to reinforce,and thetank where the sloshing heigh exceeds the distance from the liquid level to the top of the tank shell or the distance from the liquid level to the lower edge of the overflow drain on the tank shell,the liquid level may be reduced according to the results of seismic checking.


out according to the requirements of current national standard GB 5oo1l Code for Seismic Design of Buildings. 11.2.8The allowable deflection of flexural members of heaters under the action of frequent earthquake

out according to the requirements of current national standard GB 5oo11 Code for Seismic Buildings.

ll meet the requirements of Table11.2.8.The allowable displacement at thetop of framew umnsoftheheatersshallbelessthan1/450oftotallengthofthecolumns

Table11.2.8Allowabledeflection of flexural members


Figure11.3.2 Diagonal bracings of convection chamber

GB/T 39203-2020 铜冶炼烟灰提取有价金属技术规范.pdfTable 11.3.7Quantity and diameter of anchor bolts at pedestal of each base column of heater


12.2Earthquake effect and seismic checking


EA, mk=m+m+m,+1

苏J/T18-2009(四) 建筑防水构造图集(四)--FS系列防水砂浆和密实型防水混凝土hequivalent calculation height of columns of air cooler(mm);

A,=B,H A.= LH

