《渠道防渗工程技术规范》(GB∕T 50600-2010).pdf

《渠道防渗工程技术规范》(GB∕T 50600-2010).pdf
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《渠道防渗工程技术规范》(GB∕T 50600-2010).pdf简介:

《渠道防渗工程技术规范》(GB/T 50600-2010)是中国国家标准化管理委员会于2010年发布的一项国家标准,其全称为《水利水电工程土工合成材料防渗工程技术规范》。该规范主要针对水利水电工程中渠道的防渗工程设计、施工和质量控制提供技术指导。



《渠道防渗工程技术规范》(GB∕T 50600-2010).pdf部分内容预览:

中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部 二〇一〇年七月十五日

本规范是根据原建设部《关于印发(2007年工程建设标准规 范制定、修订计划(第一批)>的通知》(建标[2007]125号)的要求, 由中国灌溉排水发展中心会同有关单位共同*制完成。 本规范在*制过程中,*制组进行了广泛的调查研究,总结了 我国渠道防渗工程的实践经验,重点开展了“测量渠道渗漏损失的 动水法及其误差分析”、“弧形坡脚梯形渠道水力最佳断面及实用 经济断面的计算”“国外膨润土防水毯研究进展和应用情况”等专 题研究,综合考虑了多种不同的渠道防渗类型、现有技术水平以及 今后的发展,广泛征求各省(自治区、直辖市)水行*主管部门及有 关科研、设计、施工、管理等单位专家和技术人员的意见和建议,经 过反复修改和补充,最后经审查定稿。 本规范共10章和9个附录,主要内容包括:总则、术语、防渗 工程规划、防渗材料与防渗结构、渠道防渗设计、渠基与渠坡的稳 定、施工、施工质量的控制与验收、测验和工程管理。 本规范由水利部负责日常管理,中国灌溉排水发展中心负责 具体技术内容的解释。本规范在执行过程中,请各单位积极总结 经验,积累资料,并将有关意见和建议反馈给中国灌溉排水发展中 心(地址:北京市西城区广安门南街60号,****:100054),以 供今后修订时参考。 本规范主*单位、参*单位、主要起草人和主要审查人: 主*单位:中国灌溉排水发展中心 参*单位:中国水利水电科学研究院 西北农林科技大学 山西水利水电科学研究院

扬州大学 浙江省水利厅 河北省水利水电勘测设计研究院 主要起草人:张绍强邢义川王晓玲杜秀文何武全 荣丰涛杨鼎久刘群昌郭慧滨吴加宁 王洪彬李铁光贾仁甫 主要审查人:冯广志乔玉成任树梅 沈秀英 麦山 郭宗信步丰湖

计算方法 附录E渠基的排水设施 8 附录F伸缩缝填充和裂缝处理施工方法

规范用词说明 (109 用标准名录 (110) ·条文说明

Generalprovisions Terms (2 Planning of seepage control engineering (4 Seepage control material and structure (7 4.1 Seepage control material .". (7 4.2Seepage control structure (13) Design of canal seepage control ... (15) 5.1Generalrequirement (15) 5.2Canal section form (15) 5.3Hydraulic calculation (17) 5.4 :Seepage control by stone masonry (24) 5.5 2 Seepage control by concrete (25) 5.6 Seepage control by bituminous(asphalt) concrete (30) 5.7 Seepagecontrolbymembrane (32) 5.8 Expansion joint,masonry joint and levee crown (35) Stability of canal foundation and slope (38) 6.1 Generalrequirement (38) 6.2 Saferate of canal slope (38) 6.3 Canal inloess soil (40) 6.4 Canal in expansive soil (41) 6.5 Canalindispersivesoil (42) 6.6 Canal in saline soil (43) 6.7 Canal in frost heaving soil (44) 6.8 Canalindesert (47)

6.9 9Other situations...... 2 Execution (48) 7.1 Generalprovisions (48) 7.2 Filling and excavation ". (48) 7.3 Execution of drainage facilities (50) 7.4 Seepage control by stonemasonry · (51) 7.5 Seepage control by concrete (52) 7.6 Seepage control by bituminous(asphalt) concrete (55) 7.7 Seepage control by membrane (57) 7.8 1 Filling expansionjoint (58) 8 Control and acceptance inspection for the constructionquality (59) 8.1 1 Control and checkfor the construction quality (59) 8.2 Project acceptanceinspection (62) 9 Test ·· (64) 9.1 Generalrequirement (64) 9.2 Seepage test by ponding method (64) 9.3 Seepage test by flow survey method (67) 9.4 Deformation test (68) 9.5 Frostheaving test (69) 10 Projectmanagement (71) AppendixA Forward recursivewater balance method for calculating canal discharge (73) AppendixB Calculation of slope stability for the seepage control canal by membrane with the soil protectionlayer (75) AppendixC Calculating methods of the optimal hydraulic section and economic practical section for the trapezoidalcanalwithcurvedbottom ·。 (78)

GB24965.2-2010 交通警示灯 第2部分:黄色闪烁警示灯.pdf6.9Other situations..... 2 Execution (48) 7.1 Generalprovisions (48) 7.2 Filling and excavation· · (48) 7.3 Execution of drainage facilities (50) 7.4 Seepage control by stonemasonry · (51) 7.5 Seepage control by concrete (52) 7.6 Seepage control by bituminous(asphalt) concrete (55) 7.7 Seepage control bymembrane (57) 7.8 Filling expansion joint (58) 8 Control and acceptance inspection for the constructionquality (59) 8.1 1 Control and checkfor the construction quality (59) 8.2 Project acceptanceinspection (62) 十 Test ·· (64) 9.1 Generalrequirement (64) 9.2 Seepage test by ponding method (64) 9.3 Seepage test by flow survey method (67) 9.4 Deformation test (68) 9.5 Frostheaving test (69) 10 Projectmanagement (71) AppendixA Forward recursive water balance method for calculating canal discharge (73) AppendixB Calculation of slope stability for the seepage control canal by membrane with the soil protectionlayer (75) AppendixC Calculating methods of the optimal hydraulic section and economic practical section for the trapezoidal canal with curved bottom (78)

AppendixD Calculatingmethodsoftheoptimalhydraulic section and economic practical section for the trapezoidal canal with curved slope toe ·.....(81) AppendixE 1 Drainage facilities of the canal foundation (84) AppendixF 2 Executive methods for filling expansion joint and treating crack (87) AppendixG Joining methods for joint of membrane and qualityinspection (89) AppendixH 2 Setting the test segment and results collation for the ponding method of canal seepage ....(92) AppendixJ Calculation of discharge, error and water seepage quantity by seepage test of flow surveymethod (105) Explanation of wording in this code (109)
