




1. 前期准备:首先,需要对泵站进行详细的检查,确定需要注浆的区域,了解其结构特点和渗漏情况。同时,也要做好施工区域的隔离和保护,确保施工过程不会影响泵站的正常运行。

2. 施工方案设计:根据泵站的实际情况,设计合适的压密注浆方案,包括选择合适的浆液材料(如水泥浆、聚氨酯等)、注浆方式(如单点注浆、多点注浆等)和施工设备。

3. 钻孔:在确定的注浆位置钻孔,孔径大小根据浆液的流动性来确定,通常较小,以便浆液能深入到缺陷区域。

4. 注浆:通过钻孔将浆液注入,浆液在压力作用下渗透到结构的裂缝或缺陷中,形成密封,堵住渗漏通道。

5. 压力控制:在整个注浆过程中,需要通过压力控制设备来监控和调整浆液注入的压力,确保浆液能够有效地填充和硬化。

6. 固结和后处理:浆液固化后,需要进行一段时间的养护,确保其强度达到预期。然后进行表面清理,恢复泵站的外观和正常运行。

7. 效果评估:施工结束后,需要对注浆效果进行评估,如通过渗水试验、结构稳定性检测等方式确认注浆是否达到预期效果。



该工程基坑底板现已浇注成功,依据现场的破坏程度及以往的施工经验,先通过人工方式在底板开孔,然后依据水灰比0.5~0.6的方案进行搅拌水泥浆,再将搅拌均匀的水泥浆用机械方式输入孔洞中,已达到加固地基土为目的。The bottom slab in foundation pit has been successfully placed. According to the damage degree and our construction experience, firstly we will make hole by manpower, secondly mix cement mortar in a water cement ratio of 0.5~0.6. Then cement mortar will be conveyed into holes by machine to meet the requirement.

施工淮备Construction Preparation

DBJ61∕T 124-2016 装配式混凝土结构工程施工工艺标准设置制浆站、加浆站尽量减少移动次数。Establish the mortar process station and adding station to minimize the times of removal.

备料、搭建水泥存放点。Material preparation. And build the storage for cement.

施工计划Construction Plan

施工设备:水泥浆压力泵一台;泥浆搅拌桶一台;储浆桶一只;注浆杆一根;注浆管50m。Construction Equipments: One cement mortar pressure pump. One bucket for cement mortar mixing. One bucket for storage. One pole for mortar filling and 50m conduit.

施工技术要求Construction Technical Requirements

1、 技术要求:Technical Requirements

因施工地块现已浇注混凝土底板,固采用风镐进行人工开孔,孔距为2.0m~1.5m,呈梅花形布孔,这样有利于浆液充填。As the site has been placed with concrete, holes will be made by manpower with air pick. These holes will be in a plum blossom shape, with clearance of 2.0m~1.5m to facilitate the full filling.

压浆设备采用200型高压泵注浆,机械动力采用自备柴油机动力,此泵最大压力可达到8MPa。200 type HP pump and self owned diesel generator will be used. The maximum pressure of pump is 8MPa.

注浆时应采取跳越注浆,这样可使浆液充填密实。It will be grouted in skip to meet the density requirement.

工艺流程:Workmanship Flow Chart

人工依尺寸成孔 搅拌水泥浆液 小压力注浆 待初凝后再度注浆 封孔。Manual Holes Making As Sized

Cement Mortar Mixing Grouting with LP Second Grouting (After it is generally consolidated. ) Seal Holes

注浆技术要求:Technical Requirements for Grouting

水泥浆液配制水灰比0.5~0.6;初次注浆时压力控制在0.2~0.3之间;待12小时后,再次注浆,二次注浆压力不得超过0.5MPa。以防止压力过大,造成基坑底板的破坏,注浆时可依据现场施工情况下调整注浆压力。The water cement ratio is 0.5~0.6. In the initial grouting, the pressure should be controlled within 0.2~0.3. It will be secondly grouted after 12h. The second time pressure cannot exceed 0.5MPa to avoid the damage for bottom slab. The pressure can be adjusted according to the actual condition.

浆液配制采用425#普通硅酸盐水泥,水灰比0.5~0.6,注浆量以浆满出底板为止。425# Portland cement will be used for mixing, with the water cement ratio of 0.5~0.6. The area must be filled till the mortar exceeds the bottom slab.

注浆管采用高压注浆管,接头处应保证可承受1.0MPa的压力。HP grouting conduit shall be used. Pressure in the end should bear 1.0MPa.

注浆过程中应时刻观察现场情况,以便控制注浆量与注浆压力GB/T 40858-2021 太阳能光热发电站集热管通用要求与测试方法.pdf,以免对基础底板造成不必要的破坏。In the period of grouting, take care of the site condition for the quantity and pressure control.

质量保证措施Quality Assurance Measures

建立以项目负责为主的质量管理体系,严格落实各工序质量责 作任制。Establish the quality management system and carry out the responsibility system for each procedure.

认真观察现场施工情况,并做好现场施工记录。Carefully investigate the construction condition and make records.

安全措施Safety Measures

各工序、工种严格按相应的安全规定作业建筑设计防火规范(2018年版)英文版.pdf,严禁“三违施工”。All crafts and procedures should strictly follow safety rules. “Three Disobeyed Constructions” are forbidden.
