"香港风荷载规范",全称"香港建筑规范 - 风荷载分册",是香港特别行政区为了规范和指导建筑物抵抗风荷载的设计标准。2019版的规范更新了之前版本的内容,主要包含了以下几点:
1. 风力标准:规范考虑了最新的风力数据和风向分布,基于国际和本地的风速数据,制定了详细的风压计算方法。
2. 建筑物分类:根据建筑物的结构类型、高度和功能,分为不同的风荷载等级,以确保不同类型的建筑都能承受相应的风荷载。
3. 结构设计:提供了风荷载对建筑物的影响分析,包括风压的分布、作用点和荷载计算,以及相应的结构设计指南。
4. 风洞试验和数值模拟:规范强调了风洞试验和数值模拟在风荷载评估中的重要性,以保证设计的准确性。
5. 可靠性和安全:新版规范还关注了建筑的耐风性和结构的可靠性,确保在极端风况下建筑物的安全。
Size and Dynamic Factor for Buildings
ize and Dynamic Factor for Buil
This factor can be reduced over the height of the building using formulabelow:
【河北图集】12J*:楼梯TheseformulasaredimensionalwithunitsofmetresandHertz Forbuildingsoflessthan5Omheight,the followingsimplified formula can beused tocalculate S.at all heights:
Requirements for Wind Tunnel Testing
Whereresonantdynamicresponsemaybesignificant,thestructure should beaccurately represented (physically or analytically)in mass distribution and stiffness in accordance with established laws of dimensional scaling and theeffect of dampingshouldbe appropriately reflected. Forbuildingsclosetoprismaticform and withH/Band H/Dless than15,itmaybeassumedforthecalculationofresonant (dynamic) amplification of thewind responsesthat only the lowest frequency modes in eachlateral directionand in torsion(3modes intotal)neec tobeconsidered
The topography model should include the ma*ority of the topographic features likely to have a significantinfluence on the wind conditions atthesite. A minimum of 1* wind directions at 20° intervals is necessary. The topographic multiplier obtained from the measured wind profiles of a topographic wind tunnel test can be calculated using the formula below:
approachis from the wind profile approaching the test model and at the sameheightaboveground
If the loading on a building is likely to be significantly influenced by the presence of surrounding buildings or topographic features, it is necessary to includethe models of theseproximity features in the windtunneltesting. The proximity model should include all buildings which may significantly affect windiness around the development.A general guide is that the extent of theproximity model should normally be not less than 400m radius from the site. Wherethe local topographyis too largetobe sensiblyaccounted forin the proximity model, its effects should be accounted for as described in clause 6.1.3. A minimum of 36 wind directions at 1oointervalsisnormally necessaryforpressures andloads
The geometric scale and velocity scale employed in the wind tunnel testing should enablean appropriatelevel of model detailstobe achieved and meet the requirements of a minimum Reynolds number. A general guide is that the building model should normally be not smallerthan1:5ooinscale.Forbuildingmodelswithsharpcorners. the Reynolds number based on the typical breadth of the building model should not be less than 1x1o4. For rounded shapes, this condition is not generally sufficient, and further evidence of the suitabilityof the test conditions is required. This may include larger scale testing to verify suitability of additional surface‘trip'features to ensure suitable turbulence in the surface boundary layeroverthemodel.
6.1.6 Wind Profiles
Reguirement to Match Wind Pressures
Measurements should becorrected appropriately for wind tunnel blockage,whichmayvarywithwind direction. Blockageduring testingshouldnotnormallybeallowedto exceed10%,including effects of surroundingbuildings.If thevisualblockage exceeds 10%, measurementevidenceisrequired
The relationship below should be used to match the wind pressures of thecode.
Qz = [V(1 + 3.71v,z)] here
Minimum Loads in Sheltered Locations
Target Reliability for Loads
Wind loads for structural design should correspondto the expected oeakresponseinonehourof exposuretoultimatewindpressures calculatedby multiplyingthecodereferencepressuresbythewind direction factor, Se, as introduced in clause 6.5.2 and by the wind load factor,Yw,fromtherelevant structural codeofpractice.
dditional Reguirements for Cla
Ultimateloads should be determined directly using directionally ad*usted speeds multipliedbyyyw,and theloads should then be calculated by dividing the ultimate loads by Yw. The wind loads derived here are intended to be multiplied by the appropriate load factors, including Yw, from the material codes.
HG/T 524*-2017 风力发电机组叶片用环氧结构胶粘剂Requirements for Verification
Wherewindtunneltestingisusedtosubstantiatedesignloads. sufficient detail of the test conditions and results should be provided toenableindependentverificationofapplicabilityofthemodelling
Supplementary Information for Section 3: Design Wind Pressures
Wind Climate
Al.1 Wind Directionality
DL/T 1096-201*标准下载Exposure Adiustment for Direct Shelter