产业服务体系 Industry Service Syster
现划沿大园路在主要交通节点布置会议、办公、培训等信息交流服务设施:在客街坊内部规划 实验、云中心等技术研发设施:规划园区公共服务中心,构建整个园区产业服务体系。 Planning to set meeting, ofice, training and other information exchange services in some main transportation odes along Dayuan Road. Planning to set experiments, cloud center and other technology research and levelopment facilities in internal neighborhoods. Planning public service center and building industry service arstem throuchout the park
或共享;利用地形和建筑组合的多样性DB11/T 833-2019标准下载,打造设施的功能复合化,形式多样化,合理布局构建 整个园区的基本生活服务单元。 Planning to set meeting, office, training and other information exchange services in some main transportation hodes along Dayuan Road. Planning to set experiments, cloud center and other technology research and levelopment facilities in internal neighborhoods. Planning public service center and builiding industry service system throughout the park
除了集中的服务中心,规划效励现有项目自建的食壹、便利店、 文体设施全而对外开 收,打破传统围合空间,新建项目也零量设有就近服务点,使人们充分感受到服务就 在动
A[四区相区然为依 单元开放的步行休用空间为基础,以绿道作为整个园区生活服务设施的串联辅线,并规划相应 美聚的生活服务中心,构建整个园区的生活服务体系, aking corresponding functional blocks in the park as the basis, in accordanoe with a reasonable service radiu lemand, arranging coresponding living service facilties. Taking open leisure walking space in each unit as the asis, taking greeways throughout the park as the seres axis connectng service facilibes and taking ccordincly life sevice center as acalomeratic houtthepari
提公坐公店式公声 专家服务公寓山水休闲式公寓、普通商品住宅区等多样化的居住空间,满足不同层次工作人员 的居住需求, aking corresponding functional blocks in the park as the basis, in accordance with a reasonable service radius demand, arranging corresponding living service facilities. Taking open leisure walking space in each unit as the basis, taking greenways throughout the park as the series axis connecting service facilities and taking coordinglylife service center system throughoutthe par
社区类型 服务特征 主要服务对象 建设意向 山水休 空间品质铰高 总部高管 闲式公寓 环境优美,设随便利 高级白领 专家服 服务水平较高 务式公寓 环境品质优美 企业领街专家 普通商 与企业区联系便捷 管理人员 品住宅区 经济紧演,设施齐全 造产业工人 服务式 中短期居住 参会、参服 酒店公寓 与会展中心联系便捷 商务交流人士 办公式公寓 现代化水平较高 青年白领 空间自由,功能混合 创客群体
高层行列式,SOHO混合式及自由条式。 The space form can be divided into four kind
商住混合式 ·呈现条快结合的空间肌理: 服务便捷,生活健利。 高层行列式 “条状为主空间肌理,秩序感强: “结合同边服务设施,构成围合 式;空间,增强住区归属感。 SOHO混合式 限住功能混合,空间自由; "现代化服务水平较高。 自由条式 ·无规则条状肌理,与自然环境 有机结合: ·良好的社区景现环境
大园路有轨电车断面改造 toilemdlitionfYn
充分利用区域自然水生态格局,将分敢的水空间连接到自然河靠,组 织南蓉溪、大园路滨河水系构成小镇水系网络格局。 Taking full use of regional natural water ecological pattems, linking the scattered vater space to natural rivers, organizing Nantiao Brook and the rivers along Dayuan Rrad to cansitda wntar naltwaarks staustun in the aun.
充分利用区域自然水生态格局,将分散的水空间连接到自然河流,组 织南蓉溪、大园路滨河水系构成小镇水系网络格局。 Taking full use of regional natural water ecological pattems, linking the scattered vrater space to natural rivers, organizing Nantiao Brook and the rivers along Dayuan Road to. consida watar natwaik stuturn in then Maun
城市干河 恶作用于城市水网结构的连接。 南苕溪为城市主要水道主
城市和山体的清晰融入关系,根据地势高低合理设置建筑高度。营造山 体一小镇有序的人工环境与自然环境生态体系, There is a clear relationship between the city and the mountains. Setting the height f the building reasonably according to the terrain height. Creating a space mimnmant svstem.of mountain.and smalltown.
是现由两急逐渐尚中间增高DB32∕T 4339.1-2022 高速公路沥青面层质量管控技术规范 第1部分:常用沥青与沥青混合料,到越秀综合体处为量高点。立面与山体协调,呈中轴
B呈现起伏式变化, 以此任变, 立面形态活泼多样
快捷消费服务中心 e3 超游家园住宝区
小镇内的公共空间随处可见,有研发区的开放院落:有 大园路以及各个片区的街坊通道:有胜联溪沿岸的休闲 步道:还有分布于基地各处的开散空间,绿地、郊野公 园、体育公园等
Public space within the town can be seen everywhere, including ar pen courtyard in research and development area, neighborhood channel in Dayuan Road and every blocks, Shenglian recreational rails along the river, and open space, green, country parks, sports
以胜联溪为水环境空间景观带,其边缘则作为共享的公共Taking Shenglian Brokas themain waterscape 台阶、休息座椅, cafe, bar, brook square, walking trails and resting 沿胜联溪至小镇北部景观视线,是小镇内山体视线走廊的Thelandscapeviewfrom Shenglian Brook to the eats 重要组成部分。 north of the town is an important part of mountain
环境营造一装 Environment Constructing Pavemen
铺装突出该片区浓厚的气息,材料以石材为主。主要给人以安全、 适DB32∕T 3812-2020 建筑同层排水系统技术规程,具有方位感、方向感、文化感和特色感。 center within the town, should use pavement in large area to enhance the tmosphere. The material is give priority to stone. It aims to provide a sense of afie.cemfiart.characterisiss,