SY/T 10015-2019 海上拖缆式地震数据采集作业技术规程简介:
SY/T 10015-2019《海上拖缆式地震数据采集作业技术规程》是由中国石油天然气行业标准制定的,是一部关于海上地震勘探数据采集的专业技术规范。该规程主要适用于海洋环境下,通过拖缆方式实施的地震数据采集作业,包括但不限于地震数据的采集设备选择、作业流程、数据处理、质量控制等各个环节。
1. 作业概述:对海上拖缆式地震数据采集的基本概念、设备组成、作业环境和条件进行了描述。 2. 设备要求:明确了地震数据采集设备的性能、安装和维护要求,以及地震数据采集系统的配置和操作。 3. 作业流程:详细规定了从准备、实施到结束的各个环节,包括地震线的布设、地震炮的发射、信号接收、数据处理等。 4. 质量控制:强调了数据质量的保证措施,包括数据采集的准确性、完整性、以及数据处理的规范性。 5. 安全管理:针对海上作业的特殊性,规定了作业安全操作规程和应急预案。
SY/T 10015-2019 海上拖缆式地震数据采集作业技术规程部分内容预览:
4.2Collection of work area information
c)Checkthelargevesselsandtheshippinglanesin and around the work area d)Preliminarilyassess the influence on operatior timeliness and seismic data quality caused by obstacles, fishing activities, and large vessels.
DB41∕T 1538-2018 垂直振动压实成型试验法沥青混合料设计与施工技术规范5Technical requirementsfor equipment
s required by SY/T 10019
5.2Seismicstreamer As required by GB/T 24261.2. 5.3Seismicrecordingsystem As required by GB/T24261.3.
As required bySY/T6839
5.5Source controller
The technical specifications of the ancillary equipment shall not be inferior to the requirements in Table 1
Table1Technical specifications of ancillary equipment
6.1.1Basic requirements
Belowarestreameroperationspecifications: a)Thepermissiblewingangleoftwodep
Belowarestreameroperationspecifications: a)Thepermissiblewingangleoftwodepth
SY/T 100152019
Table2Requirements of RMS noiseon streamers
6.2.2Source system
the designed; 4)Thecoefficientof correlationbetween the frequency spectrum and the designed frequency spectrum of the source shall not be less than0.998
Positioning and navigation operation techniques shall be in accordance with the provisions of SY/T 6839
Thefollowingshallbesatisfiedduringseismicdata acquisition: a)Theseismicdatarecordformatshallbein accordancewith SEG recordformat. b)Themalfunctioningtimeof echosoundersshall notexceed30min
Theequipmentinspectionshallincludebutnot limited to thefollowing: a)Dailyandmonthlyinspectionofseismic streamers as required. b)Calibration and check of ancillary equipment in accordance with the provisions of SY/T 10026. c)Bubbletest of each individual gun inwater at the beginning of operation: bubble test of the
Iheequipmentinspectionshallincludebutnot limited to thefollowing: a)Dailyandmonthlyinspectionofseismic streamers as required. b)Calibrationandcheckof ancillary equipment in accordance with the provisions of SY/T 10026. c)Bubbletestof each individual guninwater at the beginning of operation; bubble test of the
7.2.2Daily inspection
Thedailyinspectionofacquisitionparameter settings shall includebut not limited to the following: a)Spheroidparameters,projectionparameters, coordinates conversion parameters. b)Shooting referencepoint. c)Recordingformat,recordinglength,sampling rate.
Thedailyinspectionofacquisitionparameter settings shall include but not limited to the following: a)Spheroidparameters,projectionparameters, coordinates conversion parameters. b)Shooting referencepoint. c)Recordingformat,recordinglength,sampling rate
7.3First line checking
Checkfor each singleline,and record theline information and results of quality control.The quality control shall include but not limited to the following: a)Reformat thedata collected in the field into the data that theprocessing system can recognize,
Checkfor each singleline,and record theline informationandresults of qualitycontrol.The quality control shall include but not limited to the following: a)Reformat thedata collected in the field into the data that theprocessing system can recognize,
SY/T 100152019
7.6Bin folds counting
2011年二级建造师《施工管理》考前培训c)When the streamer length is less than 4000 m, the selected offset range should be trisected, including near segment, mid segment and far
Figure1Offset selectionmethod
segment.Therequirementsforbinfoldsare shown in Table 3.
Table3Requirementsforbinfolds with streamer length<4000m
cuirements forbinfolds with streamer length>
8.1Data evaluation
TB 10218-2008 铁路工程基桩检测技术规程(附条文说明)The methods for data evaluation are as follows: a)The line segment shall notbe acceptableif the number of continuous bad shots is greater than 10. b)Theline segment shall notbe acceptable if the numberofbad shots amongany100continuous shots isgreater than 20.