GB 50062-2008-T 电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范(英文版)

GB 50062-2008-T 电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范(英文版)
标准编号:JGJ T 466-2019
资源大小:570.83 kb

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GB 50062-2008-T 电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范(英文版)简介:

"GB 50062-2008-T Power Plant继电保护与自动装置Design Regulations" (translated as "Design Specifications for Protective Relaying and Automatic Equipment of Power Plants, Edition 2008") is a Chinese national standard that provides comprehensive guidelines and requirements for the design, selection, installation, and application of protective relays and automatic装置 (also known as automatic control systems) in power plants.

This standard is significant as it ensures the reliability, safety, and efficiency of power systems. It covers various aspects including the selection and coordination of protective relays, the design of backup protection systems, the principles of setting protective relays, the application of automatic装置 in power plants, and relevant testing and maintenance procedures.

The English version of this standard is crucial for international collaboration, as it allows engineers, designers, and manufacturers from different countries to understand and comply with the specific requirements of China's power system protection and automation standards. This promotes harmonization and interoperability in global power engineering projects.

However, it's important to note that, while an English version might exist, the official, legally binding version would always be the Chinese language version. Any discrepancies in translation could lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations. Therefore, when working with such standards, it's advisable to refer to the original Chinese text if possible, or use a professional translation service that specializes in technical documents.

GB 50062-2008-T 电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范(英文版)部分内容预览:

GB /T 50062 2008

15.2.1 Current transformers shall Comply with the followin

GB/T 50062 2008


《热轧槽钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差GB 707-88》secondary circuit of potential transformers,except for residual voltage windings or unless otherwise stated. Equipment potentially to be disconnected shall not be disposed on ground wires. Wherephase B grounding is used, the fuses or automatic switches shall be installed between winding terminals and earthing points. Test leads for residual voltage windings of potential transformers shall be provided with fuses or automatic switches.

15.3DC Power Supply

GB/T 50062 2008

switches can sharethe samegroupof fuses or automatic switches 5 Both fuses and automatic switches of power supply circuits shall be monitored. 15.3.3Protection equipment shall be configured for signal circuits of relaying protection and automatic devices in accordance with the following requirements: 1 Signal circuits for both relaying protection and automatic devices shall all be provided with fuses or automatic switches. 2Common signal circuits shall beprovided with separate fuses orautomaticswitches. 3Both fuses and automatic switches of signal circuits shall be monitored

GB/T 50062 2008

GB /T 50062 2008

JC∕T 2085-2011 纤维增强水泥外墙装饰挂板Appendix A Permissible Impulse Current Factors of


Table A.0.1 (continued)


Table B.0.1 (continued)

JG∕T 88-1999 组合式振动压路机技术条件GB / T 50062 2008

Explanation of Wording in This Code
