SY/T 6907-2012 伽马随钻测井仪

SY/T 6907-2012 伽马随钻测井仪
标准编号:SY/T 6907-2012

SY/T 6907-2012 标准规范下载简介

SY/T 6907-2012 伽马随钻测井仪简介:

"SY/T 6907-2012 伽马随钻测井仪"是中国石油行业标准,全称为"石油天然气工业测井仪器系列 伽马随钻测井仪"。这个标准主要规定了伽马随钻测井仪的设计、制造、试验、性能要求和验收方法等,以确保仪器在石油天然气勘探开发过程中的测量精度和可靠性。


标准 SY/T 6907-2012 对伽马随钻测井仪的性能指标有明确要求,例如测量范围、精度、稳定性、抗干扰能力等,同时也规定了仪器的环境适应性,如温度、压力、湿度等,以确保其在各种恶劣井下环境下的正常工作。


SY/T 6907-2012 伽马随钻测井仪部分内容预览:



《给水排水构筑物工程施工及验收规范 GB50141-2008》Ihetool contains three types:gatntnadetectors are installed in the centerof mudpassageof drill collar,and several gammadetectorsaresubject



4.2Safety indicators

4.4Technical performance indicators

Continuousoperating time:≥200h

5Test method

5.1 Test equipments

5. 1.1 Routine test instrument

5.1.2 Special test instrumentations,egui!

5.1.3Environmental test eguipments

Includingthefollowing: Temperature test chamber. b) Vibration test stand. ) Impact test stand. High temperature and hi device

The appearance quality shall be subject to visual check,and the results of which shall conform to the requirements listed in 4.1.

5.3Safety indicators test

eststep Adopt Megohmmeterto test theinsulation betweenpower supply and outer shell of the tool,the results of which shall conform to therequirements of4.2a) b) The drill collar and joint shall be subject to checking for their NDT records, the results of which shall meet the requirements of 4.2b), The lifting lug of the tool shall be fixed on the tension test stand for tension test, the results of which shall be in conformity to therequirementsof4.2c)

Environmental condition tes


5.4.2Min operating temperature tes

a)Prior to the test,the tool shall be subiect to

5.4.3The max operating temperature,pressure

a)Priortothetest,thetool shall besubiectto

5. 4. 4 Vibration test

5.4.5Impact test

5.5Technical performance indicators test

5. 5. 1 Measuring range test


The measuring error is obtained according to the Where

[ollowing calculatior

followingcalculations: Calculate the measuring value Gc of the measurement standard device according to Formula (2):

5.5.3Stability test


5.5.4Vertical resolution test

Figure. 1 Diagram for vertical resolution

5.5.5Maximum measuring speed test

Perform test accordingtothe requirements of 4.4e),and itis required tomeasureat least8 points within 1mand themeasuring results shall conformthemaintechnical indicators of 4.4.

5.6Continuousoperating timetest

Inspection rules

6.1Tool delivery inspection

6.2Thetool typetest

6.2The tool type tes

6. 2. 1The rule of the tool type test

6.2.2Type inspection items


Table2Inspection ftems for gamma logging tool whiledrilling

6.2.3Type inspection sampling

7.1 Marking

Themarking requirements are as follows:



Thepackaging of thetool shall conform to the stipulation inGB/T13384

he technical documents for the tool fordeliver

The technical documents for the tool for deliver

JTG 3820-2018 公路工程建设项目投资估算编制办法shall include; a) Qualitycertificate. b) Maintenance manual, user's operation manual. ) System software and special software for logging. d) Packaging list. e) List of spare parts

7.3 Transport


A,1Master callbration

NAP=NA ........ (A..2)

NAPI=N,·A ......... (A.2)

A,2Main verification in workshop

GB 2938-1997 低热微膨胀水泥Main verification in workshop shall be conducted

Adoptinggamm& calibratortoimplementthe calibration verification prior to logging, and the tool shall be connected to the ground system, and the calibrator shall be placed on the fixed position of the tool, then record the natural gamma counting rate, and the testing system shall calculate the measured data, the results of which shall be in accordance with the nominal valueof the calibrator,and the error shall be no more than ±5 %
