GB 51171-2016 通信线路工程验收规范(英文版).pdf简介:
GB 51171-2016 "Telecommunication Line Engineering Acceptance Specifications" (Chinese: 通信线路工程验收规范) 是中华人民共和国通信行业的一项国家标准。该标准详细规定了通信线路工程(包括但不限于光缆、电缆、无线通信线路等)的施工、验收以及质量控制的各项要求。它涵盖了工程设计、施工过程、设备安装、测试、验收程序、文档管理等多个方面,旨在保证通信线路工程的工程质量,提高通信系统的稳定性和可靠性。
英文版的GB 51171-2016 "Telecommunication Line Engineering Acceptance Specifications" 是将中文标准翻译成英文,以便于国际间的交流和应用。它主要供通信工程领域的专业人士、建设单位、施工单位、监理单位以及相关国际合作伙伴参考,以确保通信线路工程符合国际通用的标准和最佳实践。
GB 51171-2016 通信线路工程验收规范(英文版).pdf部分内容预览:
8Cable Line Protection and Preservation
Figure 8. 2. 4Illustration of Overtopped Dam Optical (Electrical) Cable: 2—Flow Direction; 3—Overtopped Da
Protection and mode of optical (electrical) cable passing through embankment shall meet
n and mode of optical (electrical) cable passing through embankment shall meet the
苏J/T16-2003(一) 建筑外保温构造图集(一)ZL胶粉聚苯颗粒外保温8. 4Protection of Pole Line,Stay Wire.Suspension Wire and Overhead Li
8.4.1Stay wire on sidewalks in urban areas shall be protected by ducts and the material, size and warning mark of protective pipe shall meet the design requirements. laid by users) when they cross over each other,safe separation spacing specified by design shall be kept. Both ends of the suspension lines over the crossover sections shall be proteeted by earthing. The earthing wire on poles shall have a discharging gap of 50mm at 2.Om above ground surface. Insulators shall be installed at 2. Om above ground on stay wires of both poles,and the electric equipment shall be disconnected. The overhead suspension wires crossing over power line shall be protected by using insulatingdacts. Thematerial, size and length of insulating pipe shall meet the design requirements. 8. 4. 3When line passes over buildings near fire threats, fire protection measures shall be taken according to thedesignrequirements. 8. 4. 4Reinforcing pole bases by using wood stockade or stone cage shall meet the design requirements.
8. 6Stone Marker and Sign Board
8.6Stone Marker and Sign Board
8.7 Protection against High Power
8. 8Lightning Protectid
8.9Other ProtectionRequirements
Optical(Electrical)CableCrossConnectionBoxandDistribution Device
9.2 Installation of Distribution Device
10.1General Reguireme
Table 10. 2. 3Attenuation limit of optical fiber joint
edundancy optical cable for optical cable splice shall be wired on reels according to the design nts. Reserved cables shall be installed on nearby poles at both sides of the cross connectior tical cables crossing the poles shall be protected with pipes,and the radius of redundancy cable
The splicing of micro cable shall meet the following reguirements:
10.3 Splicing and Encapsulation of Electrical Cable
nstallation of Optical (Electrical) Cable in the Equi
1.2Installation of Optical Cable Termination
igure 11. 3. 2Terminal Cable Banding
11.3.3The banding position of terminated cable in main distribution frame shall meet the following requirements: 1The coil out plane of terminated cable wire shall be parallel to the entrance hole of vertical terminatingblockonmaindistributionframe. 2The distance between coil out planes of terminated cable on each column and vertically mounted flat steels shall be kept consistently
[2. 1Optical Cable T
Table 12. 2. 1 Record list for cable electrical performance test
Table 14. 1. 2 (Continued)
[able 14. 1.3 (Continued)
14.2Preliminary Acceptance
Lable 14. 2.3 (Continued)
Note: If the work des dispersion and PMD shall be carried out
14. 4Final Acceptance
AppendixB RequirementsforEarthingResistanceofLightning Wire and Lengthof Extension Line (Underground Part)
AppendixB RequirementsforEarthingResistanceofLight Wire and Length of Extension Line (Underground Part)
浙江省装配式传染病应急医院建造指南(试行)(浙江省住房和城乡建设厅2020年2月)AppendixC RequirementsforEarthingResistance of Optical (Electrical) Cable Suspension Wires and OtherFacilities
C. o.1The earthing resistance of earth wire of cross connection box shall not be greater thar C.0.2The earthing resistance of the user's protector shall not be greater than 502. C. 0. 3 Earthing resistance of other line facilities shall not be greater than the value in Table Table C. 0. 3Requirements for Earthing Resistance of Optical (Electrical) Cable Suspension Wire and Other Fa
Appendix FPermissible ReductionValue of AirPlug Pressure
AppendixGPermissibleAirPressureReductionof PlasticCablein24h
Explanation of Wording in This Code
《交流500kV及以下纸或聚丙烯复合纸绝缘金属套充油电缆及附件 第4部分:接头 GB/T 9326.4-2008》List of Quoted Standards
t of Quoted Standar