



Title: Outdoor Cable Duct Construction Plan (中文:室外电缆沟施工方案)


1. 项目规划:明确电缆沟的走向、长度、深度以及所需的电缆类型和数量,确保符合相关规范和标准。

2. 地质评估:对施工区域进行地质勘探,了解土壤类型、地下水位和地下设施,以规划稳定沟槽的基础。

3. 设计与图纸:制定详细的施工图纸,包括沟槽的尺寸、排水系统、防护措施以及电缆进出的设计。

4. 施工准备:准备所需的设备,如挖掘机械、电缆布放机等,以及材料,如混凝土、防水材料等。

5. 挖掘沟槽:按照设计图纸进行挖掘,保持沟槽的平整和垂直,做好排水和防水处理。

6. 安装电缆:按照电缆的规格和排列顺序,依次安装电缆,并做好电缆的保护措施。

7. 验收与测试:沟槽施工完成后,进行质量检查和电缆功能测试,确保电缆沟的完整性和安全性。

8. 维护与管理:制定长期的维护计划,包括定期检查、清理和必要的维修。

This plan outlines the procedures for constructing outdoor cable ducts, which typically involves steps such as project planning, geological assessment, detailed design, equipment preparation, excavation, cable installation, inspection and testing, as well as ongoing maintenance and management. The goal is to ensure the cables are installed safely and efficiently in a durable and weather-resistant structure.


5)本工程电缆沟走向如下:The cable trench directions are as follows:

二.编制依据 Compilation Basis

1)根据电气包(中压部分)招标文件及招标图纸编制而成。According to Electric package (MV) the tender and tender drawings.

防撞护栏施工方案三. 施工工艺流程:Construction Process:


preparation → cable trench measurements →excavation order→cutting contour line along the calcareousness →stratified excavation →finishing cable trench edge→clear up

四. 前期准备Preparations

4.1 技术准备technical preparation

1) 针对本工程特点编审详细的电缆沟施工作业指导书,及时组织图纸会审。Compile particular cable trench construction engineering guide book as per project characteristics and organize promptly drawings joint examination.

2) 根据上海市电力建设工程施工工艺实施细则结合本工程实际编写电缆沟施工工艺卡,并组织实施。Compile construction technique cards according to the Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Construction Engineering Construction Technology Implementation Details and organize its implementation.

4.2 材料准备Material preparation

根据材料计划采购所有的材料。所有材料规格型号及电压等级应符合设计要求,并有产品合格证。Purchase materials as per the plan. All materials specification models and the voltage level should meet the design requirements and have product certificates.

4.3 主要机具准备Main equipments preparation

4.4 作业环境准备operating environment preparations

1)土方开挖前,应根据施工方案的要求,将施工区域内的地上、地下障碍物清除和处理完毕。Prior to earth excavation, clear up obstructions on the ground or underground as per construction plan.

3)场地要清理平整,做好排水坡度,在施工区域内,要挖临时性排水沟。Clean up the site and make drainage slope. Excavate temporary drains in the construction area.

5)开挖低于地下水位的基坑(槽)时,应根据工程地质资料,采取措施降低地下水位,一般要降至低于开挖底面的0.5m,然后再开挖。Excavate base pit (groove) below the groundwater level should low groundwater level based on engineering geological data to be lower than 0.5m of the underside, and then excavate.

五. 电缆沟施工Cable Trench Construction

5.1 电缆沟测量、定位cable trench measurement and positioning

1)根据出线电缆布局和电缆沟开挖现场地形条件确定出电缆沟具体走向。 Determine the specific direction of cable trench of outgoing according to layout and excavation terrain conditions.

2) 电缆沟线路测量包括定线测量、水准测量和直接丈量。The cable trench line measurements include alignment, leveling and direct measurement.

定线测量要测定线路的中心线和转角,并应测量沟槽与相邻的永久性建筑物的位置关系,必要时应在地面上设立标志。Alignment measurement needs to determine the centerline and corners, and measure grooves and adjacent permanent building location relations. If necessary, set up ground signs.


Conduct leveling should set temporary standard points, whose elevation is cited by the control measure.

5.2 电缆沟开挖Cable Trench Excavation

一般粘性土可自上而下分层开挖,每层深度以60cm为宜,从开挖端部逆向倒退按踏步型挖掘。Generally clay can be excavated from top to bottom by layer with the appropriate depth 60cm. backward excavate from the end by stepping type.

碎石类土先用镐翻松,正向挖掘DLT1498.2-2016 变电设备在线监测装置技术规范 第2部分:变压器油中溶解气体在线监测装置,每层深度,视翻土厚度而定,每层应清底和出土,然后逐步挖掘。Gravel type soil first use pick to loose, then forward excavate with each layer depth depended on the thickness of digging soil. Clear the bottom and dig out the earth by layer and then excavate gradually.

5) 在开挖槽边弃土时,应保证边坡和直立帮的稳定。当土质良好时,抛于槽边的土方(或材料),应距槽(沟)边缘0.8m以外,高度不宜超过1m。开挖基坑(槽)的土方,在场地有条件堆放时,留足回填需用的好土,多余的土方运出,避免二次搬运。Excavate side earth should ensure the stability of the slope and upright. When the soil is fine, throw earth on the groove side (or material) 0.8m away from the pit (groove) edge with height more than 1m. Stack backfill soil if it has conditions and move the excess earth out to avoid secondary handling.

机械与人工相结合开挖路线(A472至C581南线与北线)Mechanical and manual excavation line (A472 to C581 South Line and North Line)

C581南线开挖到临时道路,通过其它承包商仓库的时候先不开挖断,等电缆沟开挖到最后的时候再回头开挖这部分,开挖后并在这些地段铺上木方。When C581 South Line temporary road through the warehouse of other contractor, dig down and cover with wooden poles until all cable trench is excavated to the final parts.

某深基坑土方工程(26000m3-d)施工组织设计-secret人工开挖路线(A472至B301S支线)Manual excavation line (A472 to B301S Branch)

在人工开挖路线上,安排人员进行开挖,不得机械开挖。开挖过程中需要小心谨慎,注意地下管线。Arrange personnel on manual excavation line rather than taking mechanical excavation. Pay attention to underground pipelines.

雨期开挖基坑(槽)时,应注意边坡稳定,必要时可适当放缓边坡或设置支撑。同时应在坑(槽)外侧围以土堤或开挖水沟,防止地面水流入。施工时应加强对边坡、支撑、土堤等的检查。On pluvial days excavate pit (groove), pay attention to slope stability. If necessary, low slope or set up support. Meanwhile enclose embankment around the pit (groove) or did a ditch to prevent surface water inflow. Strengthen on checking the slope, support, embankment etc.
